thoughts on frank zappa

the thought for this thread started from a response that jeffloistarca gave & he is correct,most people think fz was a drug crazed nut & his music is for stoners,this was farthest from the truth,the thing fish is without a doubt a masterpiece,the line up of his band was always of the best of the best,it seems that frank has 2 different reputations,in the states he is a nut for the most part but in europe he is put beside the likes of motzart & bach,i find it odd that a man who could write a symphony on a whim could be classed with the likes of alice cooper,i just wanted to hear others thoughts on frank,by the way anybody checked out
ZAPPAS UNIVERSE on dvd,a must see for all zappa fans.
In fairness to Mr. Z, I did hear an anti-drug public service message he did way-back-when.
With his patented, cold-slap-in-the-face, "it's your ass not mine" delivery, it went:

Want to die?
Do a little speed.
Rot your brain,
Rot your liver,
Rot your kidneys,
Cukka Ratcha.

He did have style...
whoa fellas,i wasnt comparing fz to bach or anybody else for that matter i was just relaying the info that i know to be true,im a huge zappa fan & i bought & play his orchestral albums only beacuse i like them & not beacuse they are popular,i am not kiddin you about the europeans though,they do worship his music & they even have statues of him in downtown prague,besides bach or straus where else can you hear the harpcicord being played to its fullest or a bassoon ,wheather or not you like fz isnt important to me but you can not deny the creative mind of fz,remember that if we all liked the same stuff we would all be listening to michael jackson right now & that would really suck.
You think f.z. was a genius just because you are a huge fan of his? oh, boy!! then all Michael JaksonĀ“s huge fans can say he was a genius as well! ha ha! and they can put him at the same level of Mozart and Bach! ha ha! all we can say our favorite artist/singer is/was a genius!!(like all those europeans you mentioned).

"they even have statues of him in downtown prague,besides bach or straus ", I really doubt it.
BTW, I am also a huge fan of f.z. believe it or not!

Happy listenning.
ronvandiep3n: Please reread Bigjoe's post. You have misinterpreted at least two things that he wrote. Pay particular attention to the commas. In this case, the crux of the biscuit is the comma. I'd like to add that Mozart and Bach had the advantage of talented musicians that were funded, willing and capable of playing their works in their day. If Zappa had a similar good fortune, he likely would have devoted his life to his modern classical compositions. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your point of view, he was forced to utilize the rock medium to present his work. I believe that hundreds of years from now, his music will still be studied and performed, and given its rightful place in the history of classical music. It may not be Prague, but here's a link for your reference:,7451,433402,00.html and another that may interest you:

Long live Zappa!
If you want to compare Zappa's talent to any "classical" composer talent, I'd put Zappa at the same level of Corelli or Schoenberg. Of course, these composers are not at the same level of Mozart or Bach (in terms of genius), but their music for sure will be played in some classical concerts from time to time, as now is the case of Zappa.
As I write this I'm enjoying "Hot Rats" album. Long live Zappa!