
Responses from ronvandiep3n9ef2

is this the best guitar ever
Hey guys, if you liked Friday nigth in Sn Francisco I bet you'll like "Live in America", with Paco de Lucia and his sextet, a great album as well: 
thoughts on frank zappa
You can not even spell 'Mozart'!! (not Motzart), so if you can not spell Mozart's name (from this, I assume you know very little of his 626 works), why didn't you compare f.z. to 'God'!!? (easier to spell, isn't it?). BTW, I agree with your commen... 
thoughts on frank zappa
Regarding the 'statue' thing, although just briefly, michael jackson also had his statue IN PRAGUE, check the link out: live Jackson! 
thoughts on frank zappa
If you want to compare Zappa's talent to any "classical" composer talent, I'd put Zappa at the same level of Corelli or Schoenberg. Of course, these composers are not at the same level of Mozart or Bach (in terms of genius), but their music for su... 
thoughts on frank zappa
You think f.z. was a genius just because you are a huge fan of his? oh, boy!! then all Michael JaksonĀ“s huge fans can say he was a genius as well! ha ha! and they can put him at the same level of Mozart and Bach! ha ha! all we can say our favorite... 
thoughts on frank zappa
I'm open-minded my friend, I think F.Zappa's music is great (but not as great as Mozart's or Bach's). Besides, I wasn't comparing anything, I just said that such comparisons are absurd. 
thoughts on frank zappa
No doubt F.Z. was very very talented, BUT putting him "beside the likes of Mozart & Bach" (now we are talking about true GENIUSES) is ridiculous to me!