Warwick Aperio- Anyone have? Thoughts?

Hi, looking for comments from Aperio owners

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Hi, Like many things in this hobby things can be contradictory and confusing. I guess its because we all have different ears and different preferences.

That said here you go......I have had numerous systems and products in this price range over the last couple of years. I say that to ask your indulgence so I avoid the  need to create a "The list" lets say IMHO its a well informed opinion. I have checked out quite a few options. Aperio is the finest sounding, crystal clear, end game audio product I have ever had or heard. That said I did not keep it after buying it twice over a couple years. I still think about it and miss it to this day. So what gives?? In the end the simplest way I could explain it was that it was TOO Perfect, Almost antiseptic. The Lower end was the best e-stat I have heard yes but not quite "Musically Fun and engaging" Example. I have varied music taste. When I put on say Diana Krall albums I could literally drift into heaven for hours not wanting to turn the thing off. I then switch to say Dire Straits and I immediately miss the force and impact of the low-end on these recordings. So over time I missed that in the music I enjoy and sold it, then I really missed how clear and clean everything was and wish I held on to it......Crazy right. That's this hobby. If you're ok with solid, Extremely resolving and accurate but unemotional bottom end sound, you will absolutely love it. If you want AB 1266 like bass then you won't. Right now I put together the Riveria AIC-10 , Lina DAC with Susvara because that so far gets me the closest(not quite) to the Aperio I love with AB 1266 type base impact.  All that said I still miss it. If something like another DAC or other component could address my low end desires I would buy another Aperio, sign off all my Forums and just let the music fly.....heres hoping it happens. ( you hear that Martin) ( also with the $$$ involved keep in mind it is a DAC,Streamer,Amp,Headphone all in one system  in a small foot print) Boy do I wish they could address the low end I discussed.The rest of the presentation was that good and stops the HP search and expense merry-go-round etc. It's also incredibly well made, comes in a Pelican almost indestructable case and Warwick support is outstanding.........Sorry if like I said my response is a bit confusing..... but it's the best way I can discribe it