Thoughts on a NAD M66 and a McIntosh C12000

Looking for opinions. I have a HiFi Rose 150B. While I love the unit (It is just gorgeous) I am moving to BlueOS as I want the convenience of whole home streaming - and sorry ... 150B doesn’t do it (They still do not support Tidal Connect).

I do not want to give up the McIntosh C12000, as it has a gorgeous sound.

The Bluesound Node Icon is coming out .. but it looks a bit basic to put on a high end system.

The NAD M66 is high end, and has a great look - but then I am stuck with a pre-amp on a pre-amp.

Looking for suggestions .. after much research. BlueOS .. DAC that performs.



That’s a tough one, I don’t see any high end standalone streamers that support BluOS. Lots of mid-fi offerings. My Innuos will connect with Sonos and Wiim, maybe there is a path using one of the other platforms. 

We are a Bluesound dealer the m66 is an incredibile unit and Iwould not worry about the idea of a dual preamp

If you max out or nearly max out the mcintosh volume pot you can then raise or lower the volume on the m66 or we can modify your mc to have a line in without volume we have had techs do this for us or you can trade in the mcintosh for a pure power amplifier 






@audiotroy so is there a way to use the M66 just as a DAC? I have N Valhalla 2 XLRs from the C12000 to the HiFi Rose and would use the same connectors from the M66 to the McIntosh (which I will not be trading in. It is also slaved to the MX123).

or do I just not worry about it? The M66 does its processing, sends via XLR to the C12000 and it does its processing?

@zlone is right. There are no high end DACs using BlueOS. The new Icon that is coming out looks ok, but still a toy compared to the M66 I think?