Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Good to see you again- Donzi

I can see how a Bryston power amp is a sonic match for Thiel speakers.
After all, these babies crave high current and Bryston can certainly deliver it! 

Tom Evans is heavily favored by many Audiophiles, so it must be an excellent product, I would like a demo myself.

Last, but certainly not in the least is Cabling;
my 1st love in our wonderful hobby- try listening to any rig w/o them!
No, there is zero doubt in my mind that Cabling makes a positive difference!
Odd, funny, thing is that w/ careful selection, anyone can budget their system. My best advice is to get out to the dealers/retailers and listen, listen listen to the various brands.  In this particular thread, there exists a wealth of info by your subscribers.  Thankfully, we all have various spin(s) on the cables/cords in our systems that make life worth living.
Equally important, we do not own identical gear- no fun in that-
Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! for the kind gesture- oblgny

You are absolutely correct by stating that I am the biggest proponent for Cabling!  20 years ago I discovered that aftermarket cabling does make a difference and I was not an Audiophile in those days.

I only provide you guys w/ the brands that I have spent some time (usually 3 months) in various systems at various dealers/retailers over the last 5 years during my business travels.  During these travels, I would visit said shops weekly and listen to the gear for as many hours as necessary.
Luckily, I never had a bad experience. And I can site the dealers/retailers that provided a reference to me.  My permanent locale does not afford me w/ dealers/retailers.  Cities like Atlanta, New Orleans and Nashville are the closest proximity.
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What I have found with the 3.5s very recently is that positioning is actually more critical than advertised to get the best bass response.

Of course this is probably very room specific but I've now discovered that sitting just inside the triangle with them as wide apart as my modest music room width allows, with a decent amount of toe in, makes a staggering difference. Previously I had tried positions quite a distance from the Thiels, thereoretically to give them more breathing room. I've found out that, in my situation at least, they don't need it. The 3.5s have effectively disappeared aurally speaking.

As Dave observes above, the bass response is actually extremely tweakable with Thiels. 

Although i I didn't think I needed a sub before, I think that is even more the case in light of recent speaker juggling.
Thanks for that greeting, Jafant. I appreciate it. And, as you were the one to first launch me on this correct trajectory when I'd first begun, I am grateful. We all may find this funny, but I love this system so much that there are times that (even with system off) I sit and look at the Thiels and smile. :)
Post removed 

No question that isolation can play a role in one's system based upon high volume during listening sessions or listening space reflections- Dave.  Keep up the research and report your findings for the rest of us.

Happy Listening!

Good to see you- catalysis

Right On! sitting inside the triangle can provide a glimpse into the Thiel sound. On axis or toed-in, your individual room will play an important factor as to the how(s) / why(s) we choose one over the other.

Keep us posted on your continued placement research.

Happy Listening!

I feel the same way -Donzi

Until I get the rest of my reference system together, namely the gear and cabling, all I do is sit , look at my Thiel speakers and smile, smile, smile!

Extra smiling due to the fact that I might own the last pair of CS 2.4SE

manufactured!  Happy Listening!

Hopefully you fine Gents are engaged w/ the current election.

As we watch the tallys come in, many of you guys have asked about my timeline on finishing my reference system.  My goal is to complete in 2017.

Go Trump!


did you own any prior Pass Labs power amp(s) ?

How did you arrive onto the X-150.5 ?

There is one here for $2500. I am pondering about the .5 vs .8

series power amps.  Happy Listening!


My first Pass design amplifier was a First Watt M2 which up until then struck me as one of the most colorless amps I'd owned.  Rated at 40 watts per channel into my 4ohm Thiels I assumed having more power, the headroom at least, was a wiser route to head in, especially since I've not let up on searching for a pair of 3.6's or above.  There's a pair of 7's listed here for $2200 - but the seller cannot ship!

Within two or three weeks I returned the M2 for a full credit toward the X150.5 which was then $2300, methinks.  The one I just got was $2700 with a 1 year warranty and the seller covered the shipping.  I've mentioned before how idiotic it was of me to sell off my first, and that won't happen again.  I find Thiel and Pass to be extraordinarily well suited for one another. 

The M2 introduced me to Mr. Pass's approach to amplification architecture, and I have to add that I find his candor, philosophy, and attitude very refreshing. I've also found that I like buying products from a guy with his name on the box. My appreciation for Thiel at first was the product only, but as I grew more familiar with his story I appreciate these speakers all the more. As I've mentioned before they've absolutely become my reference point for loudspeakers. 

Anyway, I believe I had an ARC LS2b preamp at that time along with a cheap Pro-Ject phono preamp. (I like ARC, too.). The difference between the M2 and the X150.5?  Sonically speaking I could not discern a difference; all that clean, uncolored, presence was on equal terms for me. Were I to downsize - heaven forbid - I would not hesitate to buy another First Watt amp. 

I've been eyeballing a Pass X.01 pre just listed here for $1800, but I can't entirely justify it because a.) I don't really need it and b.) I really like my B. A. T. preamp. And c.) the holidays are here and my girlfriend might kill me if I buy another piece of equipment. 

Just for the absolute hell of it I just bought a Khozmo passive preamp and have been listening to it for a couple of days now. I had a passive back in '14 and I should'a kept that. Anyway, thinking how articulate my Thiels and Pass combine to be, I figgered why not toss a passive in the mix?  The results?

Wow - with some caveats I'm still wrapping my ears around, but my thinking was well rewarded. Everything's a little "brighter" altogether, but the separation and clarity are what I was hoping for. Heck, $300 for a little s'perimenting is a bargain in this hobby ain't it?

Good reads folks, keep 'em coming. 

I see the listing is from a fellow member with 100% positive feedback here,  AND he bought the piece from Mark @ Reno where I've bought my 3 units. Very good retailer. 

It it seems like a fair price overall but you would be the 3rd owner without the benefit of any warranty.  Mark covered the shipping on my second X150.5 in recognition of my return business. (Or my idiocy for selling off my first. He laughed when I related my story.)

The listing you saw would incur another $75 in PayPal fees plus shipping and insurance which would add approximately that much, bringing it to at least $2650?  This thing is HEAVY, thank god for those handles on the rear. 

Why don't you drop Mark a line and get on his "waiting list" for one?  I've read your post wishing for your system to come together by 2017...

For the record,  I'll be turning 60 in another month give or take, so while I'm not compiling a bucket list I do think I've more or less hit upon a system that I can't do a helluva lot more with in terms of my definition of "excellence."  I consider myself rather fortunate to have discovered Thiel, and subsequently Pass, and having the resources to explore them both. I'm pretty much done for all intents and purposes methinks. Save for cabling and perhaps preamp explorations, I can't see how much more expenditures could return improvements to a great extent. 

..."and you know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill..."  Little Feat - "Old Folks Boogie"

Listen up Thiel reveals!
As always, very helpful- oblgny.
I will probably seek out an opportunity to demo the Pass Labs amp, prior, to any purchase. Specifically, I want to demo the .5 and .8 amps to discern a difference (if any exists).

Keep me posted as you massage your PL into the rig.
Happy Listening!

as we prepare for another Veteran's Day- I say Thank You! for your service and keeping our Liberty. Now, more than ever.

USAF Veteran

the main factor I want to experience regarding PL amps, I want to demo the integrated model(s) for a comparison against the separate pre-amp/power amp combo.
obglny, May I ask how you have decided to connect the eq through your system with the the new amp?

The khozmo passive has two outs and three inputs.  I'm working on that tomorrow morning.  With the BAT I'll simply stick to the unbalanced connects in order to keep the eq in.

jafant and all...

Thanks to all the veterans here and elsewhere who served us all.

- son of a true "Hell's Angel",  303rd Bomb Group,  359th Squadron,  WWII

I concur oblgny-

WWI and WWII Veterans are the real heroes. Thank those guys for their service in protecting our Liberty.

are you hearing any difference(s) between the unbalanced/balanced
connections w/ the B.A.T. and PL amp?

Happy Listening!
Oblgny, have you tried using the tape loop on the BAT? You'll get a lot of the noise rejection benefits of the balanced cables that way. Besides, both the BAT and the Pass work best with balanced out/in.


You've been more than a great source of information regarding my,  and other members Thiels here.  In fact you were the first to make me aware of the continuing service on their legacy products which helped me rebuild one of my midrange drivers on my first pair of 3.5's.  You also explained why 3.5's can be driven with a lighter weight tube amp due to the speakers more consistent load presented to the amp...

Tomorrow morning I'll be s'perimenting with the tape aspect suggested with my BAT in order to gain the full benefit of using XLR connects between that and the Pass,  as a result keeping the Thiel eq in the chain.  I will also attempt the same with the Khozmo passive,  albeit with unbalanced connects.  

Thanks, guys.

^You can use two short (1/2 meter (?) lengths of RCA) lengths for the eq tape loop. After which you might very well find that less expensive runs of balanced interconnects out perform more expensive single ended interconnects. Heck, a good portion of the expense of the BAT and Pass is due to the extra parts and labor of their balanced design that makes them perform as well as they do.

^i still recommend doubling the 8 Ohm power rating when using a tube amp compared to a ss amp with speakers like your 4 Ohm minimum 3.5's and even more with later models that have impedances that drop even lower. Personally I prefer quality ss with their inherently superior frequency linearity and subsequent timbre accuracy. Others might prefer the the even order harmonic distortions of tube amps over the odd order harmonic distortions of ss amps. Pick your preferred poison :-).
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oblgny, Of course as I alluded to earlier, even better, if you could find another 3.5 eq, it shouldn't be too difficult for a qualified tech to convert your now 2 eq's to balanced mono configuration. Then you would avoid the conversions, extra  lengths of interconnects, have greater stereo separation, and avail yourself to extra inputs/outputs of your BAT.
Another option would be to find a digital room correction device with equalizer function and balanced inputs and outputs. The additional advantage of which is that you could tune your speakers bass output to the your specific room rather than Thiels anechoic one. Something I've been considering for some time. Unfortunately I have yet to find such a budget friendly device with equalizer functions that expand  to the 12 dB range that the Thiel unit goes to.
A solid state power amps is better on electric guitar/electric Bass guitar-driven music.  Otherwise, a tubed power amp from CJ would work out well.

Happy Listening!
Jafant, I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. "...Electric guitar/electric Bass guitar-driven music..." unto itself  typically doesn't go below the first octave where power demands are usually the greatest. Any of the Thiel's made after the 3.5's either/and drop below 4 Ohms and have a phase angel that the vast majority of tube amps don't have the current capability to deal well with. Tube amps when faced with such a load not only don't double down, they very often actually lose power potential. Tube amps will need to provide multiple times the equivalent ss Ohm rating. Very high powered tube amps can get saturated and start to have their high frequency capabilities compromised. Furthermore, tube Watts typically cost quite a bit more than ss Watts. Not exactly the best value. While tube amps do tend to distort more gracefully than ss amps, I'd rather avoid the distortion all together by getting more Watts for my dollar with ss amplification.
I've head c-j tubes with many Thiels, and while they do seem to have a lovely upper bass to midrange quality (amongst other things), it's a quality that distracts one from realizing the bass can be quite loose. But just as when one see's through an optical illusion, once it's noticed, it's presence can't go unnoticed. c-j ss are lovely amps that have many of the c-j tube amp qualities and after considerable auditioning between both on Thiel's, I actually bought and ran ss tubes with Thiel CS 2's (most durable and easiest load of any Thiel ever made with a 6 Ohm nominal/ 5 Ohm minimum load). A perfectly lovely combination. A word of caution though while certainly adequate with other Thiels, the larger ss c-j amps don't quite produce the doubling down current capabilities of some of the competition.
Nice over-view unsound.

we all hear differently. Sure, most tubed power amps do not double down, for this remedy, a SS power amp and tubed pre-amp will work out nicely.

Until I hear a better model, the ARC Ref5 SE is the best tubed pre-amp in the marketplace currently. Pass Labs is the best SS power amp at this juncture. Happy Listening!
RE: Conrad Johnson, I would love to demo an ART3 pre-amp for comparison against the ARC Ref5 SE.

Happy Listening!
Post removed 
"we all hear differently." I couldn't agree more!
When moving up the c-j line of pres often times the output impedance moves up too. Making system matching more of a concern, especially with many ss amps, even more so with amps like the Pass Labs with some having rather low input impedances. And, of course no c-j product has balanced connections, which the Pass Labs seem to work best with. While I can certainly appreciate the charms of tubes, I'm not convinced they are the panacea some might suggest they are. But then again, "we all hear differently." 
dlcockrum, please forgive me for not doing so sooner. I have been meaning too: thank you, and
"Best to you," as well,
Post removed 
In my earlier post I meant to post that I ran c-j ss with Thiel CS 2s.

I have Thiel CS-6's with the SS1 and passive crossover.  Over the years I have used them with a lot of great amp. They perform best with high current SS amps.  That said, they do very nicely with high powered tube amps too.  I hooked them up last Thursday because I was considering listing them for sale.  They have been collecting dust for the last few years.  After a few hours of listening, I am reconsidering listing them.  
Good to see you- vegasears

which amps have you used over the years?

Happy Listening!

I've stumbled across a few ads for the Thiel eq's over the last year or so but didn't bite only because,  well,  I have one already.  (Obviously not thinking that I needed another,  and as obviously not thinking to have a back up just in case...)  Suffice it to add that I am now on the hunt in order to undertake the s'periment that you outlined below regarding having them modded into monos with XLR connections.  Intrigued as hell,  I am indeed.  This will occur if and when I am able to locate another,  a relaxed "to-do" line item for me.

They go for around $100 from what I recall.  That's a cheap investment.  I do not have any reference point to guesstimate the final cost of doing so,  but if I can have the work performed on both for around $500 methinks that's a meager expenditure considering how much I enjoy these 3.5's.  My local audio store here in Lake Grove NY referred me to a tech that they use when I bought a used Conrad Johnson MF200 amp a little while back.

Wow!  I forgot that I put that in for service before the summer!  I have to go get it!  

Anyway,  a few posts below I mentioned that I purchased a Khozmo passive preamp from a fellow member here just for the absolute hell of it.  A couple of years ago I s'perimented with a Reference Line Audio Preeminence One B Series II passive preamp with a different amp and speakers and...I actually forget what I thought of it at the moment.

The Khozmo has two outputs and three inputs with no markings whatsoever.  No manual,  either.  It's actually a well constructed piece of gear.  I hooked it up with the Thiel eq in line.

I've decided that the most accurate description of my Thiel CS3.5's is "articulate".  What I imagined would happen by slotting the Khozmo in for the moment happened.  (Pass Labs X150.5,  Khozmo,  Thiel CS3.5's.)

There definitely is a more pronounced etching of the highs which the Thiels already excel in providing,  and I must confess that I favor speakers that offer such to begin with.  The "etching" I described above is  not meant to infer that I sense a harshness in those frequencies.  Perhaps the most accurate description I can relate of the Khozmo's impact is its absolute lack of adding anything of color whatsoever.  As I've said before I find Thiels to be "colorless" unforgivingly revealing loudspeakers, as well the same for the Pass Labs X150.5 amplifier.  This was a fun little s'periment.  I'll be keeping this little preamp along with the BAT VK3i.

Sometime this coming week I'll rotate the BAT back into place using the tape monitor inputs allowing me to use the balanced connects between it and the Pass.  I already tested that option before tossing the Khozmo in and it worked fine.  

Like I said,  once I locate another Thiel eq I will undertake your suggestion to have the mods performed.  Should be VERY cool,  indeed.

I forget whom the fellow member here is that prefaces his ads with the phrase,  "Get ready for hi-fi fun!", but since joining this community and more specifically this thread,  I have indeed been having hi-fi fun.

Thanks,  folks.

The following observations are based on my related equipment, room conditions and personal taste. I am not a reviewer and sure as heck don’t have golden ears.

I purchased my Thiel CS 6’s new around 2000 and used these amps over the years:

B&K M200 Sonata Mono Blocks, they were anemic.

Krell 200 FPB Stereo, lots of bass punch, accurate in the midrange but the high frequencies were bright. I added a tube pre at that point and that tamed the glare slightly. Great amp for Megadeth but only so so for Mozart.

VTL 300 Deluxe Mono Blocks, they warmed up the high frequencies and added depth to the mid range but the bass was now incidental. At first I used SED Winged C 6550 power tubes and later used GL KT-88’s. I used this configuration for a few years before adding a Thiel SS1 subwoofer with the Thiel CS-6 passive crossover.

At this point I was getting tired to the maintenance requirements and tube replacement cost associated with older tube amps and started to look at going with SS amps.

Bryston 7B SST Mono Blocks, These amps (may not be the 7B, it was a long time ago) sounded nice but lacked that WOW factor. The Bryston’s were on loan from a friend who sold them soon after I returned them. He later loaned me his next amps.

Classe CAM 350 Mono Blocks. These amp were the best SS amps I’d used with the 6’s to date. They lessened the slight high frequency glare and the midrange was very close to the VTL amps and the bass was ever so slightly laid back. I returned the loaners to my friend and purchased a pair.

I kept the CAM’s for a year or so, switching between them and the VTL’s. It’s true once you've gone tubes it’s hard to go back, so later I sold the CAM’s.

Also, I tried pro audio amps: Crown and QSC. The best I can say is, not to my taste.

Note: the pre-amps used were as follows, ADCOM GTP-400, Audio Electronic Supply AE-3, ADCOM GFP-750 preamplifier, VTL 2.5 and my current Musical Fidelity A308cr. The nice thing about the ADCOM pre’s was the benign presentation, they add little or no colorization, so you really get a feel for what your up and down stream gear is performing.

These days, I use VTL 450MKII Mono Blocks which are pretty low maintenance for high powered tube amps with my B&W 801 Series 3 speakers. So, the Thiel’s collect dust for long periods of time but when in use, they still have the magic.
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Oblgny, you might want to reach out to both Pass Labs and BAT about your plans to do these we balanced mods. Both are amongst the biggest advocates of balanced operation. I don't have any experience with BAT, but Nelson Pass and the people he has around him have for many, many years have been amongst the most generous in the industry in helping customers with technical concerns.
 Some time ago there where a couple of companies offering replacement eq'for speciific speaker models such as Those fromB&W, KEF, Thiel etc. Many Since they would be going in for surgery, perhaps there are some now available parts upgrades

available now, or some impedance customizations for your specific gear (unlikely necessary, but heck now is the time to ask), or who knows what?
Might mitigate some of the issues some claim to be bothered by with the Thiel eq?

Very nice power amp rundown- vegasears

I have read several times about VTL being a sonic match for Thiel speakers. This company is on my must demo list- can you suggest a VTL or VAC dealer/retailer?

Happy Listening!
Many Thanks! unsound for your contributions to this thread.
Keep the suggestions a'coming.  Happy Listening!