Thiel 3.7

I auditioned a few speakers in this price range. Thiel 3.7 is my favorite. I have ordered a pari. I am think about the upstream for these speaksers. It seems although 3.7 has 91 db, it is a pig to drive. I have planned to use Bryston BP 26+14 B SST2 to drive it. I will use Ayre CX-7eMP as CD player, and use Cardas cables to make the whole system a little bit warmer and more musical. Can you please comment on this combo, and give me some advice?
BTW, I am wondering if BP 26 has balanced output. Should I use balanced interconnect cable, to make it sounds better?
Thank you in advance!
I think I saw your similar post here. Anyway, I think Thiel, Ayre CD, and the carda cables will serve you very well in terms of bringing warmth to your Thiel 3.7. My only reservation will be the Bryston combos. Personally for SS, I prefer the Ayre, Boulder, or Belles lines to match to Thiel 3.7. Bryston has power but does not offer the smooth top end extension the other 3s I have listed. for cabling, make sure to mix-match (eg. cardas golden cross for interconnect & cardas ref. for speaker cables)Bear in mind, this is personal rec. and as always, what matters most will be your personal taste and what your ears tell you
Thank you Pkoh70! I used Cardas golden refernce XLR interconnect cables between CD and preamp, and neutral reference for all other cables. I see Thield used Bryston combo to drive 3.7 in a couple big shows. I assume it's not a bad choice either.
I have the3.7 and i use it with Pass labs XP-10 and XA-30.5 and it works
like a charm.
But the 2.4 didn't work at all with that amp..
Cardas was the very worst cable I have used with my Ayre stuff. Try something else to discover what's there.