
Responses from zood

Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
It's gettin closer, Will sell My Thiel before christmasHow does the Revel ultima salon2 stand compared to theThiel and Tidal? 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
Thanks for all coments, can Anyone tell me about the bass performanceof the piano cera?, My room is 3.6 x 6 meters and 2.5m ceilingI really like the bass fr.o.m. The contrivas, so My question is, how far Behind is the piano? The bass performance o... 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
Thanks for all responsThe amp have no problem with the 3.7But when i tried it with 2.4 it didn't work at allIt does a fantastic job with my speakers.I don't have that big room. 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
Thank you LarryActually, i have been looking alot at Sound labs toThe only thing is that i have not been able to listen to them.Guess this will be a long journey. 
Thiel 3.7
I have the3.7 and i use it with Pass labs XP-10 and XA-30.5 and it workslike a charm.But the 2.4 didn't work at all with that amp..