Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP adio 3D Sound Processor

Around 1996 I bought my first real stereo system up in Toronto. I think I spent about $7K. I remember describing the system to my work colleague and she was shocked at what I paid. She said that I was crazy to pay so much and I countered that it was a lifetime purchase. I said I would only upgrade the system if something crazy and new came about. This was the time of CD's and perfect sound forever.

My hypothetical argument to her for a future crazy upgrade was, if say in 20 years, they come up with a way to project in 3-D the performers into your room. I said I would be all over that system. Well I was wrong about the amount of upgrades I would do over the next 30 years, but I may have been correct to predict that 3-D performer thing. 


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Back in time, while working a room for a high-end dealer at the CES in Las Vegas, I heard a demo put on by Sony. They were using a processor in a room with six speakers, two in front, two on the sides, and two in the rear. I'll never forget the experience. The music was a performance recorded live in an intimate nightclub. The system literally put you into a seat right in the middle of the room, clinking glasses, cocktail waitresses, and all. 
