The problem with streaming

As I sit here listening to America Includes: "A Horse With No Name", I realized the problem with streaming. Who knows what source material you're getting with streaming? The album I'm listening to is a Warners Brothers green label. Sonics are absolutely incredible! The band sounds like they're in the room! 

Navigating the pressings to find the best one can be challenging but that's part of the fun of the hobby. I doubt the same care is taken when generating streaming recordings. You're stuck with what they use, thus missing the incredible texture of the best recordings.

Of course, great care must be taken to set up the turntable and match all components downstream. I find the effort to be well worth it! There's just no substitute for great analog!


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I am an old guy who just became hooked on streaming.  I use Apple as I am already deep in their infrastructure via phone, computer, iPad, for both myself and my wife.


Recently I put a streamer into my 2 channel setup and the ease of searching and listening to music has been eye opening.  I love blues among other things, but being able to search and listen to all the different versions of something like Smokestack Lightenin’ or Statesboro Blues has hooked me.   After the original artist , then perhaps the Band that had commercial success and then everyone else’s take on it has me hearing all kinds of new things.


How many people have covered Come on in y My Kitchen, my preference is the Delaney & Bonnie version with Duane Allman on slide.

There are many ways to enjoy this hobby and I am very happy to have discovered this new set of capabilities.  I know I am late to the party, but I am 73 and happy to still be at this party!  Happy Listening to ALL