"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Showing 7 responses by mapman

Hey I’m just glad someone ( @thecarpathian ) understands my humor.  May the force be with you! 🥇

Just as a sidenote, is there anyone who would not agree that good sound quality helps open up more fully all the dimensions in which music exists and that one might choose to explore, enjoy, and perhaps even become affected by?

Isn’t that what it is all about? Pretty mystical, I’d say.


Good listening!



The mystery of sound has a lot to do with high end audio.  Not to mention the fact that this whole site is all about high end sound.

Seems to me anything “psycho” is by definition in the mind in which case it clearly follows that it is whatever people think it is.  

The mystery of high end audio ( as opposed to mere good sound) revolves around the fact that it can’t seem to be quantified or detected consistently in any objective way. It is somewhat of a phantom thing and different for each and It seems to require special ears with mysterious capabilities to really know…audio mystics in a sense. The one thing about it that can be reliably discerned is it usually comes for a premium cost which is high end. That makes sense and can be detected consistently by all including mere mortals. Otherwise, it’s hard for mere mortals to judge. Maybe the mystery is part of the appeal? That makes sense, I think.

The mystery of high end audio is way more mysterious than that of music. When someone figures out how high end audio really works let me know. It’s hard to make any sense out of a lot that is written about it. We’re talking Twilight Zone here in many cases folks. Where normal things don’t happen very often…. Cue Rod Serling. 🪄 Could it be magic?