The Medical Explanation Of Why You Are Addicted To HiFi Audio

Below is a physician's explanation of why you are addicted to hifi audio.



Hearing something appealing on a car radio or other dubious sonic environment simply makes us want to hear it via Qobuz in full range speaker sound. To some, low-fi is good enough to value. To audiophiles, low-fi simply a feeder for hi-fi. 

I knew it! I’ve always tried (vainly), to communicate to non-believers that I’m not crazy, that moderate to whatever investment in a music system that will playback an arresting level of sound is worth every penny , and more! People just think about the $$$$$. They dismiss out of hand any benefit to be had by creating a space for serious dedicated listening. Well, I get it. I used to think like that too. Music used to be just a convenient way to bop to the beat, or reminnance, or dance. But, how wrong was I, how shallow? I’ve since discovered a good Hi-fi system is a real time machine, an incredible thingamagigy that opens dimensional portals to thousands of worlds. (No psychedelics required). It’s too bad most will never know. Recall that last scene in George Pal’s "Time Machine": When the inventor says goodbye to his former world and heads back to the future in his machine. That’s me, everytime I plop myself in front of my rig. Release the endorphins!

If I'm honest, it's probably less about the music and more about appreciating fine gear, and the (relatively) low distortion sound it produces. That may sound sadder than it is--hahaha!! 

Last night, I was listening at moderate volume to the new Rhino pressing of Herbie Hancock's "Crossings" (highly recommend), which has a lot of sound and instrument variety, and it gave me my perfection fix---black background, percussion of varying intensity, great imaging, etc. I was transported. I usually end my sessions with a 45rpm version of something which is another indication that I'm more after a sound quality fix than I am a music fix. Once you get to my age, you've heard your favorite music so many times that it doesn't move you the way it once did.