The best speaker for a small any price point.

I am wondering which would your choice for the best sounding speaker in a small dedicated room..say 10'X11', or maybe up to 11'X13'? Assuming that budget was not a factor!
The Vimburg are not available yet in my area, Southern Cal,  but the Canadian distributor said that they are working on bringing them into my area.

I would recommend you to have a listen to the TAD ME1. A real great monitor and in your treated room should be amazing. It is a little more expensive than the Vimburg with the non-diamond driver.
 @yyzsantabarbara  They do look interesting, has anyone heard these? Their small floor stander may also be a candidate.

@daveyf I looked at your virtual systems page and see you have your current speakers away from the wall. These speakers are getting some buzz and I am curious to hear them. They would not work for me because I like my speakers closer to the back wall with some distance from me.

You did say price did not matter.
@roberjerman funny you should bring those up. I was just looking at them this morning. Are you local to NJ-Philly-NY area?
And from out of left field we have a speaker which few on Agon have heard or owned: the Ohm Walsh Sound Cylinder! Speaking from ownership experience these will kill everything mentioned above - and no need for any sub woofers! Incredible 3-D sound and imaging in ANY size room!
+1 yogiboy! Yeah, but they sure have gotten expensive! I am glad to have gotten my Rogers cheap (under $1K) from a seller in Lithuania - of all places! 
Klipsch Heresys with a tube amp like the Atma-Sphere M60 would be perfect. A smaller Pass amp like the XA 60.8 would also do.
You can put the Heresys right up against a wall. You can also put them up on stands at ear level. Subwoofers in a small square room will be difficult. You will certainly need room control. 2 JL Audio Fathom f112s would be fine. Put them tight into the corners of the front wall. 
I moved to a smaller room 10.5x14ft a couple of years back and worried that my Kharma 2.3ce would overdrive. Initially the fears were realised however much experimentation with placement well away from the front wall got the system to the point of acceptable. Changes upstream since have lifted the SQ well beyond that of the last property and far beyond what I'd have anticipated.

If you're limited to placement in corners Audio Note work well. Raidho standmounts can be wonderful in a small space but need some space likewise some of the smaller Kharma could work.
+1 roberjerman
Harbeth, Spendor, Stirling, Falcon, etc. make those type of speakers!
That is a very small room and pretty square so without DSP or room treatments, I would be looking at small monitors, maybe horns to control dispersion and not excite room modes. 
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Magico S3 MkII would be my recommendation. The new Magico M2 might also fit, but I'm not sure as we're still waiting for our pair.
I am currently using a KEF LS50 and it sounds great in my treated room in 12x11x9 room. I have been thinking about getting a floor stander in their using DSP but I abandoned that idea recently after hearing some non-DSP capable electronics.

So now I am looking at better monitor speakers than my KEF LS50 to use without DSP. I recently heard the Harbeth 40th annviersary 7es-3 and it sounded rather good. A very pleasing sound but lacking some details. I was told to check out the much better, Harbeth Super HL5+ for my room. I have heard the 2x more expensive TAD ME1 with the same electronics and that speaker sounded incredible. It had details, a very smooth sound on top, and not too much bass to overwhelm a room (a perfect amount).

Yesterday I messaged an A’gon user who owned the TAD ME1 in a similar sized room and he said it worked well after he added room treatments, especially for the first side wall reflection. I already have room treatments (take a look at my virtual system page). I am looking to buy the TAD ME1 once my lottery ticket hits.

The TAD ME1 can SUPPOSEDLY be placed closer to the back or side wall due to the fact that it is ported to the side. The Harbeth’s I looked at are front ported. Everyone I spoke to tell me that means it can be placed closer to the back wall. However, I read a discussion by Alan Shaw, the Harbeth designer, who said that front, read, or side port does not have any bearing on closeness to the back wall. I bring this point up because with a small room from every little bit of space counts.