The best CD Player for the money

Best single box CD player for the money that I've auditioned is an Arcam CD23 FMJ. It uses the dCS ring dac and sounds spectacular.

Only reason I sold mine, was I bought an external dac, so no need for a fancy CD player, just needed a basic transport with SPDIF output.

If you would ask me, I would tell you that I had a Wadia 861b CD player. This is a well known and respected player.
After I ripped some CD's to my laptop and connected that to a nice DAC and connected that to my set.. I never even compared or listened to my Wadia anymore. I sold is 2 weeks, for not too much money.
Now I made an open source cics Memory Player, rip my CD's with EAC,and play them with Cplay or Foobar.
The result is so much more details I never heard (and I have a more than decent set up), and so much more music, that I would not advise on any CD player (though I must admit that I did not hear many), but go PC.
Cheaper and probably much better.
And on top of this great sound, there are plenty improvement possible, with help of their enormous forum.
They got best audiophile equipment of the year 2008, by enjoy the No idea of that is of any value, but still..
Anyone hears of an ADS CD3, I have one . It was built in the 70's . It was built like a tank weighs, about 30 pounds . I have no Idea how it measures up in todays world.
Anyone hears of an ADS CD3, I have one . It was built in the 70's . It was built like a tank weighs, about 30 pounds . I have no Idea how it measures up in todays world.
Oppo 105, will take a lot to beat this. Can use as a DAC with asynchronous usb connection, connects effortlessly with NAS storage via network, or hard drive directly connected, plays most formats DVD-a, SACD, blue ray. Have just received mine, and it is sonically the same as the 95. Best bang for buck would be a second hand 95, just lacks some of the connectivity options. No fan on the 105, but can't say I ever heard the fan on my 95 from the listening position, Had to put my ear right up to the unit to hear the fan. I think this is a no brainer!! but then that's just MHO.
I would vote for the Ayon cd2s as best player for the money,at the price point the 2s is at,there are very few that betters the sound of this player,if you cannot get one new,get one used,built very well!,you can throw this player and it will not fall to pieces,it has many perks that you find in more exspensive players!,Happy listening!
No question in my mind. After much research and home trials the new Cambridge Audio 851C is truely amazing. It out performed CD players at more than twice it's cost, and quite handedly I might add. Unbelievable value for the money.
considering all of the responses and all of the suggestions, it seems the question posed has no definitive answer.

why not set a price limit and just listen ? make sure you have some criterion as to the sound you seek.
I have had many cd players in my system. The sound quality and build quality of the Ayon is second to none..... My brother and I both have had wonderful Naim players also.. ( he is huge Naim guy). But the lushness of this Ayon CD2s does it for me I am all tube and loving it! Manley 250 amps, steelhead, genesis G5.3 and absolute Fidelity cables throughout. The only peice without a tube is my Brinkman Bardo TT....
@ Dmacg: How's the reliability of that player, though. I have heard instances of reliability problems with mid-level stuff like Cambridge (and NAD.)
Like many, for awhile i went the computer route, Mac, good Dac...
Very easy, no hassle, no jitter, good sound... thought I arrived...

But recently went back to my old Stan warren modded pioneer dv-c503 (blackgates, etc.) with a simple valab Dac...

Just way, way more dynamic, black background, deep thumping bass and drums... Incredible musicality...

Computer system can't compare...

Will a current cd player/transport offer more?
For the money, a Marantz SA 8004 is the winner.

I have owned a Sony C333ES and a Cambridge Audio 840C.
I've got recently Lenovo Q190 Idea centre mini desktop that I mounted onto my TV through the supplied mounting bracket.
Iv'e replaced hard disk to solid state one.
The playback is fantastic as well as vedeo performance trhrough the blu-ray ROM/CD/DVD/RW drive.
I can't claim to know the answer to that, as I've heard only a small fraction of the players out there. Also,the question--"what's the best CD player for the money?"--is highly relative. Best play for the money in what price class?

That said, the best player I've heard in the under $5K class (and the one I own) is the all tube Prima Luna Prologue 8 at $3,500 list. Needs a long burn in time (the manual says 100 hours... but I'd recommend at least 200) and can greatly benefit from upgraded NOS tubes. I used the stock tubes for burn-in, then replaced them with a Phillips/Mullard combination recommended by Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio--and the result was the most analogue sounding music I've ever heard from a CD player. Soundstaging is excellent and the bass digs deep. I'm sure there must be better players out there, but I haven't heard one under $5K that beats the Prima Luna.
I searched for a CDP for about a year to replace a Naim CDX2 in my set up. Home demoed Wadia 381, Audio Research CD5 Krell SACD505 and Sugden PDT4F. I finally settled on the Electrocompaniet EMC1UP.
The EMc1UP gives me everything I was looking for in a CDP... rich texture and detailed sq... the only one to come close was the Sugden.
I know I already said The Ayon cd-2s, I just got the player when I made my last post,For the $6,500.00 class of players and down, I have never heard a player as great sounding as this!, very well worth the money to me!, I have listened to alot costlier digital players that was not this good!, Happy listening!
@ Abruce, wow!, I never seen that price on the used market here on the audiogon for a used Ayon cd-2!, I bought a new 2s player, that is a lot better than the original cd-2!,, cheers!
@ Monster7, I second that!, 13 years is amazing!, this one must hold the record!, LOL!, tell me if you find a thread older?,, cheers!
I just bought Oppo 105. If you want at least part of the time to use the analogue audio part of the time (lots of people believe analogue is always better than digital), the Oppo has no competition. It does so many things well, I believe it is the best for the money, not $10,000 but $1200 and the Oppo 103 sells for $500. Not quite as wonderful as the 105 but again, the best for the money. This must be a very important thread to have been here so many years. Happy listening and watching.
I like the sound of the Sony s9000es an awful lot and the old Cal Audio DX-1 sounds like vinyl to me. But neither play CD-R so I'm in the market for something newer. I'm currently looking at a Teac H600 and wondering why this player gets rave reviews but no mention here.

I will have to purchase the Teac without listening. Anyone here heard one and care to offer an opinion?
I recently replaced an Ayre CX-7 with an Oppo 105-considering it plays multi-formats it must be a consideration for the title in this thread.

It is a very good CD player.
North Star Design-Sapphire. No longer in production but I assume $1k could get you a near mint one. The Sapphire just gets out of the way of the music. If you want a new player look into several Audio Analogue models or even the Chinese made Lite Audio CD 22.
I have been living with an Aesthetix Romulus valve cd player for a while now & have to say i'm blown away by how good this player sounds at the price. I haven't heard other players with big claims at this price point (eg: EAR Acute 3), but th Romulus sounds natural, open, analogue & musical, especially with Jorma Prime cables. There is a touch of warmth and sweetness which serves instruments and jazz very well. I'm impressed!
i have a vincent cd-s7 dac which is the best player i have heard in my system, and based on what i have heard at shows, it would probably be my favorite player at any price. it retails at $3000.
I second that claim of Mrtennis!, I once owned a vincent cd-s7, returned it, thought more money would bring a better player, going on the fourth player since 4-2012, LOL!, this fourth player I am going back to the vincent cd-s7 player, It is the most musical player I have heard, and the most realistic betral of real music, tone is spot on, bass is to die for, the presatation of the sound stage is unbelieveable!, cheers.
the Vincent cd-s7 dac is distributed in Canada. read my review. it is on the website

here is the phone number for the distributor : 514 225 2337.
@ Grey9hound, Hi, I told you Mrtennis was cool!, He enjoys his Vincent, go ahead, read his review!, I cannot waite to get another one!,mmm, A small loan perhaps, I am getting nancy here needing that player back on my system!
I was considering the Marantz SA-14S1 or the Vincent Cd-S7 Dac.
Any thoughts about the two ?
I noticed when i go to the audiophilia website , thats the first thing i see is the Marantz SA-14S1. I Know my question was about the Vincent ,BUT, Since it lookslike you have experience with bot , could you tell me your thoughts on the Vincent CD-S7-DAC vs the Marantz SA-14S1 ?
That Marantz SA-14S1 got an unequivocal recommendation from Roy Harris as being up there with the best he's heard and not hearing anything better regardless of format.

Even though my SA-15S2b is a generation removed and one rung down from this player, it's still mighty fine and goes to show that one needn't spend a fortune to get great sound, just a small fortune. :-)

All the best,
having reviewed both. the difference is night and day. the marantz is highly resolving and thus you are at the mercy of recording quality. however it has added features , such as sacd, which Improves the sound, compared to redbook. it produces a more full bodied sound, greater spatiality and greater bass extension. it also plays high resolution files or HRx (Reference Recordings hi rez discs).

the Vincent has a bit of tube warmth and is more forgiving of problem recordings.

you can read my review by going to the archive section and search for digital components.

it is hard to pick one or the other because features are different and the sound of each is a polar opposite of the other.
Yea NoNoise it(The SA-14S1) also has USB ,Coaxial and Toslink Inputs
Thanks for the advice . I think i am Leaning heavier in the SA-14S1 direction.
hi nonoise:

I did not give the Marantz player any recommendation. I reported what I heard. I never recommend components, because I try not to influence the reader.

roy harris
hi ghosthouse:

I have the teac cd-3000 in my stereo system and am almost finished with the review. it will appear on

I will report on this thread when it is up on the web site. then we can talk about the teac and Marantz if you want.
@ mrtennis,I disagree with your comparisons of the marantz and vincent, I know something of the vincent you have never tried!, resonance tunning!, there is not a marantz now or ever that will better the bass and 3-dimensionality of the vincent cd-s7!, The marantz players are 2-dimensional sounding, they will never have the full body of the vincent player!, using the vincent by its self has a different sound, put a 2 inch thick by 10 inches long by 6 inches phone book on top of the vincent player and move it around to tailor your tast is astounding!, the marantzes will not do that!, I have had many players, none of them has the dimensionality, deep sound stage, The Body!, huge sound stage as the vincent player, LOL!, defiantly no marantz!, Grey9hound, I gurantee you that the vincent player with tunning is extremly better than the marantz period, thats my opinion, what do I know,LOL!
MrT, sorry for taking your findings out of context but this part:

"Its level of clarity and focus have been unsurpassed by any digital hardware that I have heard both from my own stereo system and at audio shows.

I cannot imagine any other CD player, or transport and DAC combination attaining any more music from a recording, without inducing imbalances in frequency response, especially excess treble energy. I think Marantz has pushed the envelope by creating a balance between high levels of resolution and a lack of audible coloration."

This quote led me to believe a recommendation of sorts was implied. Now that I'm familiar with your style and intent (which I approve of) I'll be more circumspect in drawing the usual conclusions. :-)

All the best,
Audiolabyrinth, I know of that 2 dimensional soundstage you speak of and it went away when I got my Marantz SA-15S2b. My soundstage is now the same height from extreme left to right (higher, in fact), extends further into my listening room, and has much better layering as you go back. It's not 'Star Trek' holographic but conveys a really nice soundstage, depending on recording.

As for body, that was the first thing that hit me when I first played the Marantz. There was more weight, gravitas and strength in the music, allowing more headroom for that soft pp to loud ff. As it got stronger, realism increased dramatically as playing became more natural. I don't know how else to say it.

As for the resonance tuning, could it be that the Marantz has a more solid build quality that what would tame negative resonance problems? I just tried a quick study with some heavy books on my Marantz and couldn't detect anything amiss no matter where I placed them. Could it be the Vincent isn't as robustly built as the Marantz and therefore benefits from the additional dampening?

All the best,