Tekton versus Klipsch


I am exploring tube amp friendly speakers.

I have listened to Cornwall 4's and Goldenear 2's.

Can anyone share how the sound of the Tektons, say Double Impacts, would compare to the other two brands?

Thanks for listening,

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I like the Cornwall's sound-dynamic, musically engaging, full (not thin in the upper-bass) and good at lower volume levels.  Like many horn systems, it has a certain tonal qualities and some roughness in its frequency balance that one either loves or hates (I am more in the "love" camp.

The Double Impacts I heard had a much more modern sound--even frequency response.  But, unlike many modern speakers, it did not seem dynamically flat and unengaging and it did not go completely dead at lower volume levels  In that sense it was much more like better high efficiency/horn systems.  It may not have as much of those charming qualities as the best high efficiency/horn systems, but, it is very good nonetheless and it has fewer of the tonal anomalies that can plague high efficiency systems.  It is a very good all around system and it is quite a bargain at its price point.  

In short, the Cornwall is more toward the you either love or hate kind of sound, the Double Impact is more balanced (I don't see too many people hating its sound).
Having not heard the current versions of Tektons it would be foolish of me to speculate. Just as it's foolish for MC to make the comments he did. You can't dismiss out of hand a loudspeaker you have never been in the same room with.

That said, I did own Pendragons many years ago. I know they aren't the same as current offerings, but I thought they were just ok. A competent 2K loudspeaker, but no giant killers.

And as for @tubebuffer, this gent has trouble stringing together coherent sentences, so grain of salt here.

The Cornwall IV is a great loudspeaker. No denying that. And it pushes my buttons like few have. Is it better than a Moab? Can't say. But I would find it difficult to believe it's not at least competitive.


Interesting comparing a speaker company that started in 2006 with the holy grail of Swiss Watch makers that has been in business since 1839!      
Gotta feed the animals or they get belligerent.

Going to let this one fester for a bit.
Please ignore the ignorant rant above. We have one here so triggered he simply cannot think straight. Ask him to show you his system some time. If he even has one.   

The Tekton "house sound" is fast like a stat, dynamic like a horn, but without the horn sound. It is big and full and neutral and incredibly revealing. Like you have to hear it to believe it. Listen to this, he owns Double Impacts and a lot of others too. Tekton comments begin about 4-5 minutes in.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RxRTFx6Cd0
Horns and Tubes are made for each other.

not sure about Maggie’s or any esl els what ever speakers. Love my Sf Olympica Nova 3 with my Simaudio 340ix.

Have a Quicksilver Integrated on the way with Klipsch RP600M for my office. Cannot wait hear tubes and horn while I work.
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Tekton  speakers are universally terrible. They use a multitude of cheap drivers in silly combinations in cheap MDF cabinets slathered in acrylic lacquer that is guaranteed to crack in time.  In no way shape or form are they any where near the quality of Klipsch Heritage speakers particularly the Cornwall 4's which are vastly superior to anything Tekton ever dreamed of making. 
Thank you. I appreciate your comments and would like to hear more specifics if you want to share.

I am also really trying to get a handle on the differences in the "house" sound of the Tektons compared to the other two, which I have heard. 

I thought the Golden Ears sounded kind of veiled. The Cornwalls had a great energy, like at a rock concert,  but thought they would wear me out over time and had weak bass. Could have been the rooms and electronics....

Thanks for litening,

The corner/wall horns are very good if you have the space. Every time I have heard Goldenear at shows, they have sounded awful. I would buy Moabs if I had the space and didn't already have the best speaker in the world for midband clarity and transparency!
No contest, Tekton, the others don't even come close. Check out my system page, pretty sure someone said they heard Goldenear and it is no contest. Not that the others are bad, they simply cannot match the seamless perfect midrange and clean clear dynamics of Tekton. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 Mine are Moab, they are definitely better than Double Impacts, but the DI is a hugely popular speaker for a very good reason, it gets a lot of the Tekton magic in a very affordable price. Only downside, the wait is a couple months. But some things are worth waiting for. This is one of em.