TAS for sale

I'm moving, and I have an important collection of the magazine The Absolute Sound for sale, starting from the first 1973 issues and going to 2002. How should I go about it? Should I post the collection in the auction section of the Audiogon and see what happens? Go to ebay? Thank you for any suggestion.


@carrard  Send me an email to support@audiogon.com, attn: Tammy and I can better advise you. 
Best bet is to post a Classified ad here.  The forum is not the place for it.
I've got an almost full set going back from the beginning until sometime around 1993 or 1994 I think.  If anyone wants them, they are free but you have to pick all of them up.
Hi, About 8yrs ago I auctioned a full set of the absolute sound mags here and they sold for under a hundred! If you sell them one at a time on epay you will get more for them but with much more work!Maybe your experience will be better, Tish
I'm not sure why anyone would buy them.  What is your perceived value of all those old magazines?