Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@ gillatgh, Hi,  Sorry I  just getting back here, I have been boxing audio equipment,  posting ads, etc.. I'm glad you are enjoying those old entry level Tara cable's,  been along time since I seen those, l still have in my collection the very first built Tara Lab's cable's,  it's history,  they sound good for what they are,  cheers. 
@Audio labyrinth
Thank you for your reply. They are indeed old but really must have been pretty good in their day as my system is liking them a lot. Heck, the system electronics are also old. I'm thrilled with the sound. Looked at their newer line, but it's out of line in my case. I'll just sit back, relax and enjoy.
I have had the Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord a few month's now, I believe it's fully broken in now,  an improvement over the original Tara Lab's cobalt power cord,  at $8,000.00 retail,  bigger sound stage in all directions, a wonderful sounding power cable. 
I sold the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  I'm in the process of auditioning different amplifier's and integrated amplifier's.
I have a new krell 300 k xd integrated amplifier coming for an audition,  should be here in 2 weeks or less. 🤓
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So I own an older pair of 15 ft RSC Primes Biwired into my Vandersteen 2ce's, I don't need that length so thinking about cutting them in half. Hate to waste the length so I'm thinking about replacing them. Some critics have said the Primes are kinda "day-dreamy". I never thought of them as that. They are rich and full-bodied to my ears, especially with my new Krell Digital Vanguard. Really do like them but need something else to compare them to. Will the decrease in length really be noticeable?
Hi audiosaurusrex,  I would get Tara Lab's to do the cutting and reterminateing of the speaker cable's,  the shorter cable's will sound a lot better, you will notice the difference, ☺🎵🎼🎶. Cheers
Thanks audiolabyrinth,
contacted tara and they will reterminate for $60/side. Reasonable enough. So what are your initial impressions of the k300?
I love my Vanguard! Just upgraded the power cord to a Shunyata Delta NR. Very happy with my tweaks.
Great Thread!
Hi audiosaurusrex, The krell k300i seems to have better treble detail than the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  the Luxman treble is at the back of the sound stage,  where the Krell seems to be on roll f , not to forward,  but rather natural,  how long did it take you to break in the vanguard?, I'm assuming 500 hrs could do it,  worked before on past krell amplifiers. 
500 hrs absolutely will do it...probably less.  I’m sticking with my Vanguard for now...perhaps if they release a 200w/ch version with Beefier Toroidal...but I am interested in your impressions.
 Hi dave_b, The krell k 300I continues to burn in,  currently,  uncanny clarity has emerged from the sound stage,  mid-range  sounds impressive,  bass sounds natural,  but I'm in hope's of it getting much more deeper,  at first,  their was an emphasis on the upper mid-range that seemed to be on the bright side, that seems to be settling down  now to sound natural,  at high volumes,  this amplifier runs hot, but not to hot, warmest little krell I've encountered,  does your vanguard do this? 
Mine has the fans to keep it from overheating.  Does the K300i still have the panoramic effect to the soundstage?  I love the large and wide soundstage with medium depth...I like to feel closer to the musicians than being to far removed. 
One of my biggest questions was what happened to the large scale Caps for the preamplifier stage that are seen in the Vanguard?  Not a lot of detail given about new preamp stage for K300i.
Hi dave_b,  This amplifier has the large and wide sound stage with medium depth, I do know that this model k 300I integrated amplifier   is the first ever built  by krell to have class A amplifier and pre-amplifier, this also has the Krell XD modification,  krell does not stress an invitation to upgrade this amplifier to XD Since this model integrated amplifier is where XD derived from and is already implemented  within this model,  I believe that is why this has uncanny clarity that I mentioned,  I'm assuming this unit gets hot when driven hard because all of it is class A, no worries,  it does not get to hot, just A lot warmer than past krell integrated amplifier's that I remember. 
I recently sold the Rega osiris integrated amplifier, and the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  the new krell k300I integrated amplifier seem' s to have everything better than the previous amplifiers,  350hrs and still breaking in,  the clarity this amplifier has is just uncanny to say the least,  non fatigueing!, unlike the Luxman,  the osiris was good, but lacks the treble detail, and articulated bass as the Krell, or clarity,  this is the order of my findings after living with these unit's,  krell k300I, Rega osiris,  Luxman L-509X,  all have used same everything,  digital,  cable's , furutech gtx-Rhodium duplex receptacle's, dedicated line's, etc..., cheers. 
When we bought a used Clearaudio Revolution with a linear arm, we started getting upgrade-itis. We were told interconnects should cost about 15% of the gear it’s connecting, so we bought $600 phono wires. We had MIT M2 interconnects from our former solid state amp. So, we used them to connect our ARC PH3 to our KW 500. As we continued to get educated, we read that MIT cables are great for solid state, but don’t optimize tube gear because harmonix get messed with in their correction “boxes.” 
Talking to some experts, we were suggested to try Tara Labs interconnects because they are neutral, musical and just sound “right.” Well, we bought Tara Labs the Two with Ism onboard and were blown away. So when we could, we bought the 0.8 phono wires. Wow, wow, wow!
Eventually, we bought another upgraded TT—a new old stock Clearaudio Anniversary Wood, with the T2 linear arm. It came with a straight run of very good clearaudio phono leads, so we didn’t need the 0.8s. I missed them!! Even though the new cart was a gold finger 1, upgraded 3xs the price of our former clearaudio cart, and the arm and TT were huge upgrades, I could hear the difference losing the 0.8 Tara lab phono wires made in my system, just a bit more grain in the clearaudio run. Still sounded lovely, and I was happy for the solid bass improvement, greater detail with the better cart and arm. I checked to see if I could get my arm changed out to take interconnects, but I wasn’t willing to wait a year to get it bavk(how long Clearaudio said their repair/upgrade backlog was.) 
i highly recommend Tara Labs interconnects! I’m still saving up for Tara Labs speaker wires. On my wish list!
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Hi debbarnes58, I have enjoyed reading your well written post, believe it or not, as good as the 0.8 phono cable’s are, you would be very impressed with the zero evolution phono cable’s, and the Grandmaster phono cable’s, these cable's would do the clear audio gold finger 1 a huge justice, it would be like listening to the cart for the first time, to be clear here, you will get all the cart would ever do, cheers.
At this point of break in of the krell k 300I,  it clearly is substantially better than the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier! 
I have the Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord on the new krell k 300I with dedicated line and furutech gtx-Rhodium d duplex receptacle,  this combination has elavated the performance of the amplifier beyond my expectations 🥂 cheers. 
I have some older Tara S/T Quantum's hooked up to my Revel Salon 2's. They sound exactly the same as my unbranded 12 gauge cable.
Tobor007, lol!, that is some late 80's cable's,  high end cable's by anyone sounded like zip cords back then, the industry just started making so called high end cable's. 
Just replaced a Transparent Reference XL SS speaker cable and a Transparent Ultra RCA interconect with a pair of Tara Labs 0.8 and WOW! 

Everything is cristal clear now. 
Speakers VR-44 Aktive
Amp Ayon Spirit III
Pre Amp and DAC Ayon Stealth
Hi  vemanoel, The Ayon Spirit III you have is new to the market?, how do you like it?, what type tubes are in it?
I had a chance to listen to some Tara Lab's head phone cable's,  they take some time to burn in,  they sound very good to say the least. 
Tara Lab's new muse speaker jumper cable's  at a affordable price,  review coming soon,  A good alternative to bi-wireing.
You should read what a member of what's best form did for a review of the nordost odin 2 versus the Tara Lab's Grandmaster interconnect's! 
Tara Lab's has come out with a new cable called,  Evolution Concerto, each channel has 216 conductors, excellent speaker cable's for high frequency extension, full midrange, with deep powerful bass.
I have a short in my "Space and Time w/TFA Return" speaker cables. I realize they are vintage but the tech at Tara Labs refuses to look at them.
I sent a vintage power cord to Kimber Kable for repair and they sent me a new cord. Now that's customer service!
Hi tonykay, I would contact Devon Scott Dicker, The president of Tara Lab's by way of email, express your concerns with him and ask him to reply, I'm sure if he doesn't agree to accommodate you he will surely give you a logical explanation in the time of the corona virus. 
Just a note to all other crazy cable audiophiles out there...I eventually couldn’t resist trying Anticables by way of a challenge from one of my friends.  So long story short is that they allow music to flow effortlessly and with full color and range.  The best way to describe them is that my music sounds like the components are hardwired together...immersive and accurate without any negatives. Spot on faithful to tone and expression as well.  Quite transformative!  
Hi nyaudio98, Give Anthony a call at peretta consulting he can discuss pricing for you.
I hope the best for all of you during these times of the corona virus situation, best regards. 
Hi I'm looking at some Tara labs RSC prime 1000 it has the bsm banana plugs on it. I need spades for a pair of Vandersteen’s
 2ce signature. Does anyone know the mm size of the screw off plugs on the bananas?
Hi cabinlife, Contact Tara Lab's for the size of the spade size,  however,  I can attest that the spade lugs Tara Lab's provide or sell fits anything I've ever tried them on, in this case, my opinion,  spade size is irrevalant. 
Hi,  Decided to pull the trigger on a krell vintage piece,  the krell kav 300I, it's been some years since I owned one of these, this is my second one, thinking of doing the Tara Lab's The One power cord on this,  what's your opinion? 
The head phone cable's from Tara Lab's are statement cable's, recently had the chance to do critical listing with the different models, loved them to say the least, I find it hard to imagine any other cable's would sound better than my preference here.
Hi all,
I want to change my speaker cables and after reviewing and hearing from few audiophile friends, I am convinced to switch to TARA Labs evolution series. I am trying to decide between air evolution and 0.8 speaker cables. How much of the difference in the quality if anybody have tried both or auditioned. 
Hi romney80, This depends on which Evolution cable's you are talking about?, there is different models.