Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Woogie59, The zero gold interconnect you have will make the 0.8 sound broken at 300 hrs of reburn in,  just keep playing music for 300 hrs then make another comparison,  your interconnect should have come with the leads to be used between grounding station and the interconnect,  should be around 18" long,  be sure to use them,  the cable sounds as it was designed to sound like doing so,  never use cable direct to grounding station, congratulations on a fine cable you have,  cheers 🤓😀
melbguy: Glad to hear the system is treating you well but sorry to hear about life not doing so; whatever it is, I hope it gets better for you very soon.   As for the rest,...well, 'speechless' would suffice!
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Woogie59, You read my last post to you?, your system is good enough to hear the big performance difference between the two cable's at 300 hrs. 

Thankyou for your advice but I’m not sure if I agree with your burn in statement.

These are well broken in used cables, a number of years old and heavy used.

In my experience, and I have had many used cables over the years, none have sounded any different from the day they were first in place.

New cables, yes, there is some improvement over time, the so called burn-in period.

That’s not to say you are wrong, it’s just not been my experience.
If it changes for the better after 300hrs then I will stand corrected and post my endorsement.

I also stand by my evaluation of the Gold v 0.8. Don’t get me wrong, the Gold is good, but not two to three times as good against the 0.8 Ex with HFX in most systems.

I have used both in my second system, retail approx. $18K. Gold is the better performer but the 0.8 Ex with HFX performs very well when comparing their cost. The real difference is heard in my main system which I have described before. Then the extra cost the Gold is well worth it.

If you have the money, great, the choice is the Gold but I would buy better components first using the cost differential.
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Woogie: Well said,...sounds like you have your priorities and how you listen and evaluation well squared away.  Having owned a prior version of the 0.8s with HFX and 0.5s with HFX in the past (and having the chance to demo them against Gold at the time), I agree with your assessment that the 0.8 with HFX were extremely good and any money over and above that should be weighed carefully for its best use relative to components in the system, etc....

Jmc: That's too funny!  You hit that nail right on the head!
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It is sad that JMC’s posting was removed; it did not violate any forum rules or guidelines and was clearly meant in jest. We should not have an environment where such censorship is occurring yet we have members who can propagate disinformation and the wrong facts on a thread to promote one manufacturer or another at the expense of accuracy and respect for other members.

The offices are only 12 minutes from my house...so near and yet so far!
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I don't think it's worth that kind of money.  Spend it on a component. That's my opinion. I hate they don't delete this post too

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I'm done with buying anything else.  I'm so done.  The system I got is the system I got. Man so glad I'm off the merry go around. I get deleted because of a simple post. Look can't a get reasonable opinion on this product on this thread. No more cables or components for me period! 

Woogie59, Keep me updated about your zero gold interconnect as you get closer to 300 hrs of reburn in of your cable,  congratulations 👍🎶🎵♩
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Seems to me, the prices charged for both cables and equipment, if they require a break in period, the manufacturer should do it! Can you imagine buying a product that is great out of the box? No break in required? 300 hours could take 6 months to a year! Of regular listening, not everyone can listen 10 hours a day, some folks work. You want top dollar for a cable, or preamp, break it in for me. Another great reason to buy used, so some other sucker can suffer the break in time for you! 

Ans yes, it is impossible to follow a thread where more than half of the entires have been deleted. 

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"And thennnnnnnn??!!"

Somebody hurry,....copy-paste something before the thread dies LMAO!!!
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Not a good informational thread at all when you can't find out about legitimate experiences with the product. How does it sound? Highs? Lows? Mids?Soundstage? Depth? Nuance? All I read is a bunch of regurgitated scientific double speak here. Please if anyone is reading this tell me about the performance in the previously mentioned terms. I don't want to hear .999999999999999999999999999999 Copper talk. Please!!

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