Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Over the years, TARA labs audio cables have been paired with many of the world’s high-end components, and always with fabulous results. Magico’s new M3 Speaker was introduced at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2016 paired with TARA Labs Zero Evolution interconnects & Omega Evolution SP speaker cables. Omega Evolution AC power cables were also used. "I was there, and the sound was fabulous!" Jonathan Valin gave a in review of their performance in The Absolute Sound Sep. 7th, 2016. Magico certainly created a wonderful new loud-speaker. Paired with TARA labs high-end reference cables at the show really created a sound deep in detail, depth, soundstage, and musicality.
THE PROCESS OF HANDMAKING TARA LABS CABLEShandmade 1TARA Labs embodies what can be described as true hand-crafted methods of high-end products. Designed and created by TARA Labs Design Team (TLDT) led by Matthew Bond & Merrill Bergs, all TARA Labs audio cables are manufactured in our factory in Southern Oregon, USA, and lifetime guaranteed.Every TARA Labs high-end audio cable is meticulously hand-crafted by our factory lab technicians. A good example on exactly what goes into this process is offered by the below construction techniques in building just one pair of our Omega Evolution speaker cables.The process for manufacturing these cables begins by the cutting, forming, measuring, and then the hand polishing of each one of the 576 – TARA Labs copper conductors.All the dielectrics are prepared including customizing the multiple size air tubes, outer & inner sleeve layers, as well as other proprietary cable components. This includes our custom hardware, all of which have to be machined, polished and laser etched before final assembly of the product. This would also include all cable terminations. As far as the actual labor to make these cables, it takes two senior technicians working an 8 hour day, for 10 days just for that one pair. That’s a combined 160 hours to make just one pair of our reference grade speaker cables.Throughout the process, each cable goes through multiple testing stations to ensure every aspect of the product meets our rigid standards. TARA Labs uses a variety of specialized testing procedures and equipment to ensure that every cable meets our rigid standards. Each cable must pass through a variety of stringent testing stations. Point to Point Signal Continuity using Hewlett Packard and Tektronix spectrum analyzers to ensure that every cable has the correct specifications.The final stage is when each cable is listened to, and evaluated in our sound room using a wide variety of audio components. Product is then packaged and shipped all over the world.
Hi guys, can you recommend me what Tara Labs line of cables should i consider to build a reference level system with my Thiel CS 3.7 speakers.

Really! You ask what's his budget so you can tell him to buy the most expensive Tara cable he can afford! Yeah that sounds like another ad for Tara Labs. I've heard these cables in my own system and there are MUCH better for the price but let each owner decide.
Agreed, let each owner decide!, btw, taralab's has a cable lending program,  call them,  ask for devon Scott,  cheers 
Hi Thieliste, this is my recommendation,  The Muse w/HFX

TARA Labs is extremely proud and excited to introduce a brand new high-end audio cables series called, The Muse.
Beginning with the Muse interconnects, this new series will offer the listener a cable that has superb high-frequency extension, as well as being exquisitely revealing of low level ambient and spatial information. You will hear an impressively low noise floor, pin-point imaging with the absence of distortion, which also includes an equally impressive soundstage.
Rounding out this complete audio cable package is a characteristic presence of superb musicality! The listener can expect to hear their music played with such feeling and such emotion, that the performance level of these cables would absolutely alleviate any thoughts of uncertainty or doubt, by even the strongest critics of an audio cables performance.The Muse series cables will take the listener to places of musicality that very few cables can ever hope to match.
The construction of the Muse interconnect begins with the precise measuring, machining, and cutting of TARA labs proprietary materials. Beginning with our 99.999999% pure rectangular solid core copper conductors that are super-annealed, oxygen–free, mono-crystal, and frequency-tuned. The conductors are then hand-polished and coated in our proprietary liquid dielectric to prevent oxygenation before inserting into PTFE Teflon lumens air tubes. The meticulous hand-crafted construction techniques used by our technicians, then assemble these materials into an audio cable that is capable of bringing recorded music as close to live as you can get. TARA Labs legendary HFX floating ground station system is also included with all Muse interconnects.
RCA or XLR terminationAll PTFE Teflon air dielectric spacers and center tubeTwin axial-design features RSC Gen2 conductors using Aero-PTFE dielectricHFX Floating Ground Station SystemExtremely open and detailedExpansive 3 dimensional soundstageExceptional low noise floorSuperb musciality
Thanks audiolabyrinth, it's difficult to put a budget on cables but it has to be coherent with the rest of the system.
What's the price range for the Muse line of cables ?
It's not listed on the Cable Company yet.
The gear i'm considering in my short list for the moment is Ypsilon Aelius II and preamp + Totaldac Twelve + server.
I'm also looking into other cable brands such as Kubala Sosna, Shunyata Research and Synergistic.
Thieliste go for the Kubala line you will not be disappointed! No one has heard the Muse not even Audiolabrynth 

Thieliste,  taralab's has there own cable lending program, I would certainly take advantage of the service,  the equipment you mentioned above is very good,  impressive to say the least,  I  believe your impression's of the taralab's cable's will be the same,  cheers 
Well like i said i'm building a reference level system.
I spoke to the Taralab's distributor, i'm sure he could lend me a full line.
Making Sense of … Evolution Speaker CablesExtreme Audio Systems and Extreme Performance Cables with Low InductanceAt TARA Labs, the major design goal for speaker cables is to reduce the inductance in the cable. However, there are some high-end amplifiers that need to 'see' some level of inductance (L) in the speaker cable. When the low damping factor of certain amplifiers is connected with (ultra-low inductance) TARA Labs speaker cables, the output of some high-end loudspeakers becomes audibly variable at different frequencies.The phenomenon is readily apparent, heard as bass that is soft and low in amplitude, sometimes together with high frequencies that are too smooth or rolled-off. Basically, the resistance in the loudspeaker cable should be ultra-low, and the inductance (L) in the cable needs to be low but sufficient to provide a load to certain amplifiers. There is no ideal value for (L). It varies from system to system, just as impedance varies with frequency in most loudspeakers.The loudspeaker cables carry much higher signal voltage and current into a non-linear impedance (the loudspeaker) ... so the reactive load of the loudspeaker can be difficult for some amplifiers to drive... and the all-important damping factor of the amplifier changes from amplifier to amplifier.One of the great attributes of the OMEGA Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution Speaker Cables is their ultra-low inductance. The OMEGA Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution Speaker Cables are the 'state-of-the-art' in both technology and design from TARA Labs. Its performance level is absolutely spectacular when matched with the majority of high-end audio components available today. And as with an ever increasing introduction of new components into the marketplace, we have found over and over again that not every cable or component has the perfect symbiotic relationship with each other. In these particular instances, there are some amplifiers that need to 'see' some level of inductance (L) in the speaker cable. For certain loudspeakers and amplifiers, TARA Labs has produced another addition to the line-up with the Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP speaker cables. These cables are designed to work exceptionally well with amplifiers with a low damping factor or loudspeakers with a very reactive load in the lower frequencies.
I live on the Alabama coast,  I'm very glad Clemson won last night's national championship,  of course I won bet's as well,  the funny thing is, I have not seen any Bama car flag's today,  this always happens when Alabama loses!, all comments are welcome about the game. 
Making Sense of …. Grandmaster Evolution DigitalThe TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect uses a pair of RSC® Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductors.
In the AES/EBU format, the conductors are critically spaced to ensure an exacting 110 Ohm characteristic impedance; this is the AES/EBU format used with XLR connectors.
The RSC Gen 3 conductors are smaller than the Gen 2 version, and this provides a more extended bandwidth for the digital signal.
The TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect uses a system of woven filaments constructed from small Teflon tubes, to expand and displace the shield further away from the signal carrying conductors.
In this way, the Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect is able to reduce digital distortion, called ‘jitter’.
Jitter explains why Digital cables sound different from on to another.
The most significant reason for the different sound in digital recording and playback systems is the phenomenon of ‘errors’.
The most widely known error is called ‘jitter’. Jitter can be thought of as a timing error or a distortion of the digital bit-stream within the digital send and receive components and the digital interconnect cable.
The timing errors (digital jitter) can be reduced by using better quality cable with superior shielding to reject interference within the cable.
I've used Tara Labs cables for about 15 years, tried other cheaper brands and always came back.  Got to visit their facility in Ashland Oregon many years ago when I lived up there.  Super nice people.
Tried a lot of different interconnects and currently using Tara Labs 0.8's for my system.  Sound fantastic...

Consumer Reviews 
"Devon, these Omega Evolution cables are remarkable and in my opinion State of the Art ! These cables have added so much to my musical listening in terms of enjoyment. Every addition of these Omega Evolutions has been transformative. I started with the speaker cables and added a balanced pair from preamp out to amps, replacing WireWorld Platinum 7 ICs and Snake River Signature speaker cables. The speaker cables and 1st ICs were an improvement in foundation and a big change in midbass and bottom end. But when I replaced the WW ICs from DAC to Preamp with the loners, I was really blown away, that move completed the loom and everything blossomed. The WireWorld cables are really good cables and I could have lived with them no problem, until I heard my system with these. When I added the loners, it really took things to the next level. I have 200 hours on the loners and all around my system has never sounded better. Devon, top to bottom, these cables have brought everything into focus. Resolution, I can hear sounds and tones I never heard before. Delineation of sounds, now I can distinguish things, some I didn't even know were in the music. Clarity and cohesion, crystal clear and everything is realistically connected. I think that's a real problem with cables, especially with separate components, notes and sounds take on an artificial texture, they don't sound connected right, and the music loses its emotion. The sounds need to connect well to have emotion. And most of all dynamics. These cables allow me to listen at any level and hear great sound. These cables make listening pleasurable with all music, and I'm only using CDs right now !! My best CDs have moments where things get scary realistic. Applause, cymbals, tom toms, drums, all percussion sounds real. Flute... acoustic guitar, spooky real. These are the best cables I have heard in my system and if there is a better cable I don't know what it is and I have do desire to try and find them.Devon, these cables have really completed my system. Very glad I completed the loom, that took everything over the top. The Evolutions have given all my components their true value by allowing them to connect with each other and maximize their potential. I have never heard everything sound like this and sound this good. Nothing left to say ! – Tom G."
The Grandmaster Evolution w/HFX

The Grandmaster Evolution Series from TARA Labs is truly beyond belief. It is quite simply the new watershed in the art and science of audio cable design. The Evolution Series is in a class of its own, beyond all other audio cable products in the history of the audio industry worldwide. (Click on image to enlarge)
The Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect uses the same multi-lumen air-tube concept invented by TARA Labs as used in the ZERO Interconnects and the AIR Series Interconnects originally developed in 1986. However, the Evolution Interconnect is remarkably flexible.
The Evolution Interconnect uses the same displaced and Floating Shield design together with a new Dual Mono-Block HFX Ground system with greater absorption of RF/EMI and a vanishingly low background noise.
Incredibly, the new Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect boasts a remarkably low capacitance figure of just 2 pF per foot. This means that the new Evolution has a High Frequency bandwidth that is more than 300% greater than any other high-end cable in the world.
The Grandmaster Evolution = 2pF (cable capacitance measured in picofarads / pF)
The most advanced air-tube technology and designAll new proprietary "dual mono-block" floating ground station (HFX) and floating shield systemControlled spacing of conductor to conductor geometry, produces record low interconnect capacitance of a mere 2 pf (picofarads)Additionally the conductor to shield capacitance is remarkably low so the EMI/RFI coupling from the shield to conductors is negatedThe outer shield is expanded and spaced away from the conductors to such a degree that the background noise is at an all-time lowTwo layers of anti-corrosion coated SAOF-8N copper shieldCompared to the Zero Evolution, The Grandmaster Evolution has a larger, more complex system of Teflon and Aero-PE filaments that ensure a complete air dielectric system.The most revealing and lifelike presentation possibleCompared to the Zero Evolution, The Grandmaster Evolution has a high-frequency bandwidth that is 50% greater, with a stunning low level of background noise contrasted with more image outlines and fine detailRevolutionary liquid micro-film (LMF) dielectric ensures a linear transfer of low-level ambient and spatial information.

The Zero Evolution Phono

The Zero Evolution Phono-Cable is the epitome of high-end reference quality phono cables. The design and technology used in creating this exceptional cable, is a far cry above any other phono cables that are currently available in today’s marketplace. Extremely low Capacitance as well as exceptional high-frequency extension The Zero Evolution Phono-Cable works very well with all cartridges regardless of voltage. (Click on image to enlarge)The Zero Evolution also incorporates a “star-ground” system (SGS) with a variety of optional male/female mini-banana connections. This system is unrivalled in that it provides the option of floating or connecting different sections of The Zero GX Phono-Cable shielding system. There are subtle differences to be heard, some of which are caused by slight variations in the shield and grounding arrangements of the cartridge and the tonearm, and the turntable and the phono-preamp. As we all know, the shield/ground formats in the Phono interface are sometimes different enough to create a hum or buzz problem. Using The Zero Evolution Phono Cables’ superb proprietary shielding system, we are able to provide a method of optimizing the shield and ground system for the lowest possible noise floor in this critical component interface. As we all know, the shield/ground formats in the Phono interface are sometimes different enough to create a “hum or buzz” problem. With The Zero Evolution Phono Cables’ proprietary shielding system (SGS), we are able to provide a method of optimizing the shield and ground system for the lowest possible noise floor in this critical component interface.“Master” Gen3 Conductor is: 99.999999% Oxygen-free, mono-crystal, rectangular solid core, hand-polished, frequency-tuned copper conductor.Available termination: RCA, XLR, 5 pin DINHandcrafted in USA and lifetime guaranteedExcellent high-frequency extension & exceptional detailTight bass & full midrangeExtremely revealingImpressive holographic soundstageNeutral & naturalUnparalleled musicality
Super Annealing™
The Super-Annealing process was developed by TARA Labs to improve the conductor’s ability to deliver a more neutral and transparent signal than ever before. Even the small differences in conductivity create audible differences in sound quality. Super-Annealing is a specialized metallurgical treatment that purifies and softens a conductor’s structure to lower it’s specific resistivity and dramatically increase the length and size of crystals in copper conductors.
The Super-Annealing process is performed in an oxygen-free environment to create an ultra-pure conductor with long-grain copper crystals. Traditional copper conductors are composed of much smaller crystals. The multiple breaks or junctions between these smaller crystals cause increased noise due to the diode effect of these junctions. They alter the flow of electrical signals and cause distortion.
Based soley on these info-commercials by Audiolabrynth I would never by Tara cables. Just saying. 
Tara Labs should make him stop he is hurting their image. 
Lol!, seems we have a couple of jokers here!, I will say this one time,  stay off this thread!, this is the state of the art cable's available,  if you say the entire audio media is wrong,  we'll then,  that speaks volumes of about you!, I personally have compared many cable's to taralab's top cable's,  all the choices I've listened to sound broken in comparison! 
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I'm not joking, I have listened to some very expensive Tara cables and while good I've preferred other cables, and some were less expensive some more expensive but based on audiolabyrinth's info-commercials he is single handily destroying the companies name. Mr Bond should be requesting you stop posting immediately. 
Mmm, very funny,  I am a vintage audio dealer 😎, an example of that is I have  kenwood kr-9600!, among many more goodies! 
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@Hey man just poking at you. No sweat if you like Tara labs enjoy. Honestly, I quit paying attention to this thread or these cables a long time ago.  Who hooks up vintage gear to 50k in wires?   I'm retired.  I got what I got and I'm happy. Won't be on this thread. Keep doing what you do if it makes u happy. 
Hi calvinj, I have taralabs cable’s on my main system, that is not vintage, however, I’ve been enjoying a journey through vintage legendary audio equipment, advent, sansui, yamaha, kenwood, sherwood, nackamichi, bose, bic speaker’s, akai, jbl, jvc, technics, Pioneer, etc..., calvinj, some vintage equipment sounds better than some high end audio, I’ve keept way to much, so I have been selling some locally, soon to put some on the Internet, cheers
Hi andrew9405, taralab's is my preference primary cable's,  however,  I also like cerious technologies graphene cable's,  I will be using their best cable's on a couple of my vintage system's,  I believe they are a good value for the asking price of their cable's,  cheers. 
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Andrew9405, Thankyou,  Cerious technologies is a good sounding cable,  check them out,  I do believe there is a thread all about them on audiogon ☺
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Hi andrew9405, can you help me with my endeavor thread on the amplifier section of audiogon?, this is concerning a vintage piece,  kenwood KR-9600?
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Oh I accidentally came back! Uh oh I hear trouble through the Tara Labs cables!

@everyone.  This is exactly what I think.  Maybe this isn't real. Maybe it's a persona who is made up. Who posts 6 years straight about a piece of wire. How can you go from college level writing to poor grammer back to college level writing. Maybe the trick is on all of us. This is why I'm done!

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