Talon Raven C vs. Tannoy 15 DMT's

To be driven by 2 Mc7100's in mono (200 watts per channel)..I am waiting for my used Talon Raven C's to arrive and all of a sudden a friend offers me some Tannoy 15DMT's....which I always liked.

Any opinions on what you would chose and why?

Showing 6 responses by jsujo

Thanks jaguar...I am looking fwd to them..but they get here in 3 weeks via truck from Chicago area...and I am some impatient sob!
Well, the Tannoys are available still...I am seriously pondering getting them and do a shootout..but my wife says, you always say that and end up keeping everything...lol
Well, I decided on the Talon's but I wont have them until mid january...bummer man!!
sorry to hear about your troubles....amps are a lot easier to ship and deal with than speakers...thats for sure!!
I must say, I have had the Talon Raven C's for a few weeks now, and they arent going anywhere...Honestly, they are much prettier than the DMT's, which my wife appreciates!

For the used price on these Talon's nowadays, they are super no brainers. BTW, just for giggles, I connected a 25 watt tubed receiver to them, and they still sounded great.