Talon Raven C vs. Tannoy 15 DMT's

To be driven by 2 Mc7100's in mono (200 watts per channel)..I am waiting for my used Talon Raven C's to arrive and all of a sudden a friend offers me some Tannoy 15DMT's....which I always liked.

Any opinions on what you would chose and why?
I have not heard the Tannoy's but being a Raven owner for the last 6 years I can say for sure that they are outstanding speakers! Wait till you hear the bass go down to 19 hz! I have had no desire to upgrade for all this time. Dynamic, extended, great sound staging, pristine, clear as a bell. These do everything right.

You have some great listening ahead of you.....enjoy
Thanks jaguar...I am looking fwd to them..but they get here in 3 weeks via truck from Chicago area...and I am some impatient sob!
I have had Raven C's for the last three years and they are amazing. On the used market, I don't think they have an equal. They need lots of power to sound their best (I have JC1's) so you have a very good set-up indeed.

These speakers are very placement sensitive so take your time during the set-up. They sound best if you give them some space.

Too bad my system is down for the count at the moment... sigh
you're gonna love the raven-c's especially w/high current SS, congrats from a prev owner
Well, the Tannoys are available still...I am seriously pondering getting them and do a shootout..but my wife says, you always say that and end up keeping everything...lol
Well, I decided on the Talon's but I wont have them until mid january...bummer man!!
Congrats! I have no heard the Tannoy's but I think you will enjoy the Talons. They have an incredible soundstage and are incredibly controlled and powerful.

Enjoy! I hope mine get fixed soon!
I am still working on that. I feel I had an amp issue which ultimately led to the demise of my speakers. I'll let you know when I get a proper diagnosis.

I have JC1's - one side was not working properly. When I swapped to see if it was the amp or speaker, both sides stopped working. I suspect a faulty amp, but my amps have come back from Parasound with a clean bill of health.

This is the second time my amps have been out of commission, so I do suspect the amps and not the speakers. Besides, it is unlikely that both speakers would go out, but considerably more probable that one amp go out. By swapping I allowed the amp to damage the other speaker too. Wonderful.
sorry to hear about your troubles....amps are a lot easier to ship and deal with than speakers...thats for sure!!
I must say, I have had the Talon Raven C's for a few weeks now, and they arent going anywhere...Honestly, they are much prettier than the DMT's, which my wife appreciates!

For the used price on these Talon's nowadays, they are super no brainers. BTW, just for giggles, I connected a 25 watt tubed receiver to them, and they still sounded great.