Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ

I heard this tweak at RMAF and brought it home on a 30-day free trial. Unfortunately it turned out to be a real system killer. I had 20 of the HFTs and tried them with and without the FEQ, using a ladder to put them up and take them down repeatedly. I couldn't believe how awful it was. Made it hard to enjoy my otherwise excellent ~$45k system.

I had a similar experience with their Quantum fuse. Never did trust anything with "Quantum" in the title. HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses, on the other hand, made my amps sound significantly better.

I sold all but one of my famous SR products that, in the end, proved to be underwhelming -- once I got enough experience under my belt to really compare combs. Although I have not tried HFT and FEQ, your experience does not surprise me in the least. Ted Denney likes to use superlatives. You may have noticed.
I have a comment on this as I have the ART system, HFPs and FEQ system with a $100K system and they are sensational! Not only did they tighten up the bass in the room, the clarity with which both analog and digital ended up with is surreal.
Let me say, we are extremely picky listeners and I spent a total of 4 hours with Peter Hansen and Scott setting up the ART, HFP and FEQ and have had them back and re-tweeked it so it is perfect.
The assistance received on the set up was excellent and every single component made improvements to the system - you could tell when it made it harsh and would remove it and then place in somewhere else testing and in the right position these HFPs were blow away. Then putting the FEQ on-line was another quantum leap - removed any muddiness in the room.
The product is shockingly effective. It just needs to be placed correctly and you have an phenomenal listening room.
In response to AUGWEST concerning HFT accoustic treatments
My system is superb with alot more $$$ invested.
I found a tremendous improvement especially in the soundstage.
Of course, I made sure I contacted the manufacturer to get the info about placement.
Also, when I bought the HFT treatment I was made aware that if I was unhappy they could be returned.
Honestly, it sounds that AUGWEST might have some agenda.