Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ

I heard this tweak at RMAF and brought it home on a 30-day free trial. Unfortunately it turned out to be a real system killer. I had 20 of the HFTs and tried them with and without the FEQ, using a ladder to put them up and take them down repeatedly. I couldn't believe how awful it was. Made it hard to enjoy my otherwise excellent ~$45k system.

I had a similar experience with their Quantum fuse. Never did trust anything with "Quantum" in the title. HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses, on the other hand, made my amps sound significantly better.

Showing 23 responses by sabai


You have reviewed Synergistic Research products very favorably in the past. I thought it would be appropriate for you to make a disclosure because this thread concerns their products.

If I am mistaken in my belief that you may be associated with the high end audio industry then please accept my apologies.

I did a bit of homework. This is from an earlier Audiogon thread:

"12-12-08: Tbg

Norm Luttbeg did a review on Dagogo."

And then a few posts later:

"12-12-08: Tbg

I should say that I am Norm."

Were you referring to yourself in the third person in the first post, above? Are you Norm Luttbeg, the reviewer, or do I have this all wrong. If so, my apologies.

I sold all but one of my famous SR products that, in the end, proved to be underwhelming -- once I got enough experience under my belt to really compare combs. Although I have not tried HFT and FEQ, your experience does not surprise me in the least. Ted Denney likes to use superlatives. You may have noticed.

Agenda? So, do you mean that everyone who honestly reports audio experiences that contradict what others report has an agenda? This is a rather odd comment to make. IMO.
I find it odd that, all of a sudden, out of the woodwork, two members with no feedback and no history of any posts are impelled to jump into this thread. Hmmm.
Let's put Synergistic Research under the microscope for a moment. These are my observations under my microscope.

On his Home Page Ted Denney reaches into the deep, dark past of audio to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat -- as the inventor of the very first power cord -- the incomparable Master Coupler. You may never have heard of the most famous power cord in the history of high end audio. I have the original literature that Ted wrote about his legendary Master Coupler -- that produces SQ of zero value in today's audio world. The Master Coupler literature sounds exactly like his literature that accompanies the Galileo Series and the Element Series. It sounds like he cut and pasted.

I am impressed by Ted's Home Page where you can read fresh news about "The History of Audio According to its Self-Proclaimed Leader". Superlatives and categorical statements flow fast from the typewriter of Ted Denney -- once again. He should have entitled his latest piece of copy "Delusions of Grandeur". Ya gotta have a sense of humor when you read Ted Denney -- when he talks about "the culmination of my life's work" in shamelessly self-laudatory and self-aggrandizing terms. Fact is, I know some well-known cable makers out there, and some boutique cable makers, quietly making cables that put his world-famous SR cables to shame. By a country mile.

I note that HFT and FEQ are already making history "... capable of transforming any system to unbelievable heights". Any system? Not according to Augwest. By the way, did you also know that, according to Ted Denney, "In fact, the new Galileo Universal Speaker Cells elevate even modest speaker cables to near state-of-the-art status ..." Near state-of-the-art status with his Speaker Cells? Using even modest speaker cables? Alice in Wonderland. Not even close in my system. But never mind -- you can definitely turn a sow's ear into a silk purse at Synergistic Research -- because Ted Denney says so. But caveat emptor. He just replaced his typewriter ribbon.

In my opinion, Ted Denney has yet to "turn the world of audio on its ear" as he proclaims about the latest and greatest HFT and FEQ. Certainly, regarding his cables, IMO, Synergistic Research produces no outstanding cables -- just run-of-the-mill audio products designed to capture a certain segment of the audio market. And nothing more. With version after version -- adding Enigma Bullets, adding SE and LE series -- since they did not get it right the first time.

Did you ever stop to consider all of the permutations? Just look at the new Element series with copper, silver, tungsten, CTS and all the Enigmas. I mean, what a total mass of confusion. But you'd never know there was anything amiss through all the hoopla that flows from the typewriter of Ted Denney. According to him, there is no one cable that gets all the work done -- on DACs, CD players, transports, amps and preamps. But that is only according to him -- because he never got to the place where others already arrived. If you follow his up-trade program you eventually end up with a single cable and empty pockets. Just figure out the math. I can tell you one thing. Ted Denney knows how to use a calculator better than most people. Figure it out. When you go to the casino who ends up the big winner? The Big Audio Casino is called Synergistic Research.

After playing the SR game for too long I have sold off all but one of my SR products. And it will be gone soon. What about my statement in an earlier thread that "SR makes some great products."? In retrospect, with what I have learned in the interim about the products of other audio companies and some of my own experiments, I was very wrong in my initial enthusiasm about SR products. My experience was too limited at that time. There is no use in Ted quoting my old posts to try to score debate points. There is no contradiction when new experience supplants old experience.

Now let's wait and see if some no-feed-back, never-made-a-post members rush to Ted's defense.

With all due respect, you have avoided addressing the point I am making about the need for you to make a disclosure, IMO.
Hi Ozzy,

Thanks for this information. Very creative. I'd like to try this out myself. If you don't mind, please let me know the diameter and the length of copper pipe you use for each segment. Also, do you have a link or specs for the copper cones? Thank you.
Having developed my own version of the HFTs for my system -- thanks to comments made by Ozzy -- and with very good results -- I am surprised at the OP by Augwest. But it is unfair, given no evidence whatsoever, to assume that he has an agenda. There is nothing at all to justify this notion that attempts, in a fashion typically found on many threads, to dismiss the validity of his observations. Has anyone but him heard the HFTs in his system? So, where do others get off making this unfounded accusation?

I must premise my comments by saying that, although I have never heard the HFTs or FEQs before, I am convinced they work well for most people and are a credit to Ted Denney's efforts. But since my HFTs are stunning at $1 each I would never consider the outrageous price SR is charging for theirs. In addition, I have about 50 in my system, and counting. That would amount to $3000 worth of SR HFTs. No way I would pay such an outlandish price -- even if they performed somewhat better than mine, which I am not sure they would.

As many posters have pointed out, you really need to think for yourself here and experiment to find out what works with the HFTs in your own system. From my experience with my DIY version, I no not believe that one size fits all regarding placement and the number of "levels", which I consider as much a marketing tool as a guide.

I have stated in another thread, I find it odd that Ted Denney who claims the HFTs are the culmination of his life's work should introduce them with a Bose Wave instead of with an expensive system -- as he has done at shows when introducing all other SR products. One would have thought HFTs would have deserved a more appropriate introduction if they were the culmination of a life's work. My opinion.

Regarding marketing, I do not believe SRs statement is accurate -- that the HFTs and their identical ECT twins are transducers. Can anyone explain how they can possibly be in the same class as transducers like microphones and speakers? I believe transducer is a term SR is using for marketing purposes -- to hide the fact that the HFTs and ECTs are simple resonators.

In fact, the SR HFTs appear to be a cross between the Novum PMR out of Germany and ASI Liveline Franck Tchang's "Sugar Cubes" and resonator bowls, the precursors to the SR ART system that was mysteriously and coincidentally "discovered" during Ted Denney's 3-year solo Pacific sailing adventure – after Franck Tchang’s resonators had already been on the market. I note that SR never called their ART system a collection of transducers. They were always called resonators. And can anyone explain the difference – besides the color scheme – between the HFTs and the ECTs? They look identical, and both cost $60 each.

Has anyone had a look at the YouTubes of the 2 Peters promoting the HFTs and ECTs? Did anyone notice how they talk down to their audience as though they were talking to morons – counting each HFT 1,2,3,4,5 as they show us how to remove them from the package – showing us how to take a piece of Blu Tack from the strip and apply it to each HFT -- and showing us how to put them on the wall? Thank you, fellows. This YouTube should have been entitled HFTs for Dummies -- the YouTube that accompanies the culmination of a life's work. With Peter Breuninger nodding and nodding throughout the video like a nodding toy on your dashboard. It was a good laugh.

And what of their YouTube where they spill the ECTs into a component chassis like jelly beans without testing to see what the results are at each stage? I mean, with a lavish coating of up to 20 ECTs per component you would think this enhancement would deserve a more methodical approach.

Can you really afford to spill these ECTs into each of your components at a cost of up to $1000 or more per component? -- with the assurance they are certainly doing great things, as we surely know is true for all Synergistic Research products -- but without any proof except for their claim and good copy writing. IMO, SR has been more fortunate with the HFTs than with so many lack-luster products of yesteryear that have been duly relegated to the dustbin of high end audio history.

When Augwest says "I was assured that there was no trade-off, and that sonic degradation was impossible." I agree with his observation that this is not true. My experience has been that sonic degradation is very possible with poor placement, including some of the placements suggested by SR.

I agree with Ozzy when he says "Just don't tell the wife how much they cost each ...". They wife would find the price outrageous. And she would be right -- except for those who are able to afford throwing money at they systems.

I agree with Heyimderrick when he says "SR seems to be the one with an agenda to mute any naysayers." Lamentably, this has been the fact in the past.

How many DIY HFTs are you using? Do you use mainly front and back walls? Do you use any on components?

Thanks for this valuable information. When you say "I also have the HFT's" are you now referring to them on the walls?

I have about 50 in my system. I found the same thing. They are most effective on front and back walls. They constrict the sound stage on the side walls.

Do you find they are more effect on one component vs. another?

Thanks for this information. I thought you were using DIY HFTs in your system. Are you not? You said in an earlier post that yours were better sounding than the SR HFTs.

Have the Audio Magic Bells made a significant improvement in your system?

I thought so -- as per your earlier post. My DIYers are excellent. I have no basis for comparison because I have not heard the SR or Audio Magic. What do the bells add to your SQ?

I am finding some of the SR placements not so good. It takes a lot of experimenting to get this right. Your suggestion about digital is helping me optimize. My DAC and transport are now the focus of my attention.

These plumbing accessories are identical looking to the product Audio Magic sells. I suspect they may be the same -- in which case he has an excellent profit margin,