Synergistic Research Galileo SX Power cord. (Opinions on sound quality appreciated).

Synergistic Research Galileo SX Power cord.
I know this cord is pricey, but can anyone share opinion or experience on the sound quality with this power cord?
I have owned in the past Synergistic Master Coupler (about 20 years ago) and the Apex.
It would be connected to a Lumin X1 into my Audioquest Niagara power conditioner.

I would appreciate experienced comments. Thank you.


Very informative thread here. Is there an audible difference between the SR ground vs. Entreq ? Interesting combination being utilized in your system to be sure.

Happy Listening!
Yes there is. 
The SR as I mentioned, sharpens the soundstage. While the Entreq (which is connected only to my Lumin X1) adds more weight to the sound. I have actually built additional DIY versions of the Entreq and use them separately on my amps and speakers. But that's another story.


Thank You for the follow up. Is the Entreq designed for Digital gear (cd players for example) ?

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The Entreq is designed to be used on whole systems. I think mine has 6 or 8 connections.
At the present I only have it connected to my Lumin because I am using mono blocks straight from the Lumin and they are located about 10+ feet away.

As Ozzy said Entreq is best used on whole systems. You could use one smaller box on one piece of gear but it's far better (cumulative) used on all.
It's at its best when analog gear is attached to one box and digital and or SS is connected to a second box. This is how I have my gear attached. I'm far from wealthy and the boxes are very expensive but over two years I was able to buy used two large silver tells and two matching Atlantis (discontinued) boxes. They have a large positive impact I would never go back.

Over the past five years I've bought four top of the line used Synergistic Research Galileo (something) power cables. As Ted said they take time to settle in or break in even though they were used. What a funny hobby we deal with. Love my Synergistic Research cables and resonators. 
Thank you for your post. In addition to the Silver Tellus that I am using on my Lumin, I have made a few DIY Entreq boxes for my amps and speakers. Every time I disconnect one of them there is a loss of depth in the power of the music. Hard to explain but easily heard.

Synergistic is one of those companies that really push the boundaries of reality and hard to believe their products do what they do.
Yes, for what they are made of, they seem to be overpriced but the trial and error and experimenting must be costly. I really admire the thinking outside the box (or the norm).


are you still enjoying SR cables/cords in your system?

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Yes, I still enjoy the SR SX power cord on my Lumin X1.
I would love to try the SX interconnects or speaker cables but I will probably need to rob a bank to make that happen. Perhaps the gov-r-mnt can provide the money too feed my habit...? Just kidding of course.


I suspect that there are a few SR dealers/retailers in SoCal.

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Take your gum out of your mouth before you read this, I think the SR SX MSRP is about $6000-$9000 depending upon the length.

Galileo SX power cord is $6,000 MSRP for standard 5 feet length. Such length is plenty for most applications and setups

My system value is 500 bucks.... The device i created cost me a little  more... And i need nothing else now, because a piano cannot be more than be in your room in 3-D....

People dont have a clue about embeddings controls, they give their money instead of experimenting...They dont trust themselves nor their own ears...

OK i only say that to give hope to people without this money to spend who want an audiophile experience.... It is possible at NO COST and it is my experience....I dont say that Synergetic product are bogus, i only say i dont need them especially at this price.... For what?

Is my piano will be better? Perhaps a little bit, PERHAPS....But i can live with the piano in my room like it is right now....

Simple mechanical and acoustical science..... And listenings experiment.... If myself with no crafty hands had make it, ANYBODY could.... But we must think listen and try.... Buying is not necessary....Nor upgrading....

Save if you have plenty of money to spend....But a minimal very satisfying audiophile experience could cost peanuts....

Why am i the only one to say that?

It is a mystery for me reading audio threads....

@mahgister: as they say, there are a thousand ways to skin a cat. We are all adults, and can spend our money how we see fit. There is absolutely no right or wrong with any approach. 
@mahgister: as they say, there are a thousand ways to skin a cat. We are all adults, and can spend our money how we see fit. There is absolutely no right or wrong with any approach.
is there a relation between my post and something i said about limiting the freedom to buy something?


Is there a relation between my post and the possibility for an audiophile to be happy so much at peanuts costs that the possibility to buy costly cables or whatever has no more appeal?


No right or wrong here....

Just new creative possibility for all and the hope for those who cannot afford these "tweaks" that it is possible to replicate them at least partially at no cost....This is my way.....

By the way i dont doubt that the power cord is good.... I hope so at this price....

But why i dont need it?

Because i use my own devices at low cost.... And because before buying a power cord at this price someone must lower the electrical noise floor of his house, control the mechanical resonance and vibration problem and especially control all acoustical settings of his room....


And anyway my system value is 500 bucks with the orchestra filling my room.... I will not add a many thousand dollars power cord....

There is many ways to skin a cat, but there is only one economical optimal way..... 😊

My post is for the poor audiophiles.... People with plenty of money will never believe that my peanuts cost system do what it do...

Acoustic is the more underestimated improvement in audio ever.....Even by acousticians....

This is my experience in my own room....

I apologize for my 2 posts in this thread about surely a good product anyway but all people cannot afford that and need hope.... i sell creativity.....


Thank You for the follow up. I figured the PC in the $5K neighborhood, for openers.

Happy Listening!
I've not heard the Gallileo line, but the top of the Atmosphere X and CTS lines were in my system for a time and not so satisfying. Rumor has that the Gallileo is spectacular though maybe SR just isn't my sonic wheelhouse. The CTS was too forward and the Atmosphere line had a band of over emphasis in the upper range that seemed to be pushed down the bandwiths with the different bullets, but was still there. Once I heard it, I couldn't shake it. 

The Dynamic Design Titania GS line I'm using now is astounding me. Huge stage, natural tone, quiet, nuanced and detailed while being inviting and easily involving. Listening to the music and being surprised by what's there rather than for the music and wondering what's missing. There's an illumination from within instead of a spotlight shone on players.

Anyway, same price range and definitely worth a listen. Best I've heard, both the digital Ariel and analog. 

I would like to learn more about Dynamic Design Titania GS line.

Happy Listening!

DD cables are outstanding. About 6 years ago I had all their top AC cables Challenger heritage anniversary or something like that. 🥸

The Hemingway Beta cables are in another League. Contact Darren ONeill from Audio Limits to demo and be ruined for life.
I picked up one of the Heritage PC's you sold off and encourage @jmcgrogan2 to do the same - we both loved them. I'm just back into audio after a 5 year set back, so that time line sounds about right. The Titania GS power cords and Heritage AE15 interconnects are staying in my new system for now and definitely until then - whenever that might be. Best I've heard and the only time I've considered a loom of anything - I still haven't heard any DD speaker wire, so still the great unknown and still waiting for the great leap forward.

To that: I've been reading some Fidelium threads and reviews, but reading between the lines of fast, detail, extended, etc sounds like why my ears have never liked ribbons, but the trial period's tempting. My Jade Vermeils are doing very nicely, though.

Aside - Having gone from big power/current feeding low efficiency speakers (Plinius SA201/Dynaudio Conf. 3) to higher efficiency and moderate tube power (Leben/Devore Super9's), there's less dynamics at low volumes no matter what gear I have in place. The DD really make them sing though.

Now if I can just catch up on the digital signal supply end....I've also been reading some of your journey with Bricasti. My AMR DP777SE is getting some Jupiter caps w/Duelund bypasses and then it's off to the digital chain w/lusty curiousity around ethernet/switches/renderers and servers - Antipodes/Qobuz/Tidal, etc.

All that aside - it's great to be back on the magic carpet ride.