Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Transylvania, huh? Is that where Ted got his? (o:

Norm, I've seen the brief video footage.
Here's the rundown, I had the following:
QLS- T3 to wall Teslaplex
Sub - Precision to wall Teslaplex
Amp- Hologram A to QLS
Pre - Precision Reference to QLS

Results were limitting of sound, warmer tone, good detail high & low. Changes made:

QLS- Precision to wall Teslaplex
Sub - T3 to Teslaplex
Amp- Hologram A to wall Teslaplex
Pre. - Precision to QLS

Results were greater detail, dynamics,frequency extension,bigger soundstage, smoother bass and overall warmer sound.

I find that the more Precision AC in my system the dynamics and resolution became immense. There was still something missing when I added the Hologram A to my system. Somehow a much much warmer and sound I am not used to hearing.. System dependant that's for sure. Maybe I will add a Hologram D to the DVD and hope for the best.

Bacardi, The Hologram D is the best power cord in the Synergistic lineup. Ted designed the whole series around this cable on the digital source. I strongly recommend you try one. BTW, your results sound typical to what I tried as well. Your second setup sounds like the best.
If you are looking to further upgrade, here is an option:
demo a Powercell 6 for your system. Also, try a T2 on your preamp and save the other Precision AC for the Powercell and have it re-terminated with a 20-amp connector.
THX Joeyboynj for your help. I will consider your suggestion...Would the Powercell 6 be enough or would the 10SE be better. Actually, what are the differences in the 6,10,10SE???

Hey guys and gals, has anyone compared the Apex Vs. Precision Reference speaker cables in their system? What were the differences you heard and which one did you prefer and why.
I love the Apex speaker cables but have not tried the Precision Reference.
Hi Tbg, I have a pair of Apex speaker cables on route to me today. I will make the comparison myself. I'm still interested if anyone else has as well.
Hi Joyeboynj,

I started with the Precision speaker cable, and I thought I had a problem with the bass (my speakers go to 23 hz at - 3db).
I changed to the Apex. It's another league : it's like opening a curtain, and bass are deep and tight.
Who tried a precision AC cable on a preamp ?
So far I tried a T2, and T3 on an Audio Research Reference 3 but I was not satisfied.
Autentic, Precision AC works best on tube gear or on power conditioners. So it may be a good audition for you. You may also want to compare it to a Hologram A on your preamp. The T2 and T3 are not always the best choice for preamp. The Cable Company will lend you all the PC's to try before you buy.

Last week, The Cable Company sent me Apex speaker cables to compare to my Precision Reference SC's. I agree with your comments. Also, I found the soundstage to be wider, rounder with more presence and weight. The P.R.'s are fast and dynamic but I found I preferred the Apex and placed an order today. Pounding on the piano keys was more realistic with lots of weight in the low registers.
Autentic, I just flat out dislike the Precision AC cord on anything, but SR thought I might like it on my amp. The Halogram A was great on my amp and the Halogram D was better on my music server and the sacd player. The T2 is the surprising pc for me. It is clearly best on my line and phono stages and, I think, on my dac.

Joeyboynj, I have not tried the Precision speaker wires, but you are right on about the bass on the Apex speaker cables. I was told the same things about the Precision AC, but that some ss amps. Not mine.
Proceeding my audition of the Hologram A on my amp and Precision AC on my pre I have noticed the Hologram A took a longer time to settle in and I think I will trial a Hologram D as suggested by many on my CDP and see how that sounds. The Precision works great on a QLS6,9. The Hologram A is an excellent cord, dynamic, 3 dimensional soundfield for movies had a "WOW" factor, but the foundation is the Hologram D....I may purchase a Hologram A after I trial a "D". THX

Barcardi, did you get the Hologram D yet? Interested in hearing your experience. Thanks.
Joeyboynj, no not yet. Mike at Tweek Geek is lending me one in a week. I will let you know thereafter...thx

Autentic, When I auditioned my Hologram A they sent me another Precision AC. I tried it on my pre and it worked well, better than my T2 I had on it previous......extremely detailed....

Speaking of Tweekgeek, since they are the exclusive distributor for the Kaplan line, has anyone had a chance to do some comparisons of the Kaplan power cord to their Synergistic cords on various components?
Bacardi, if you like the Precision AC on your pre. Also, try the Hologram A on both your Pre and Amp and Hologram D on CDP as well and go with the best choice.
Joeyboynj,actually when I auditioned the Hologram A and Precision AC it took a long time to settle in and notice the differences. Then after I was starting to notice on music but also with movies the ultra detail of the Precision to the 3 dimensionality and soundstaging of the Hologram A. When I took them both out I noticed a little of what was missing. I then noticed the calibre of my system up to this point. I will audition a Hologram D and a D2 or D3 interconnect for my DVD/CDP to Pre. I will then be able to see what the difference of what the Hologram D can do for my system. Then go back to the Hologram A to amp and pre. I will reply back with the results....THX

I'm thinking of getting a new set of cables. I haven't invested very much on the cables yet, and I currently run Nordost Valkyrja, Tara Labs RSC Air, and Kimber 8PR speaker cables. How do the Synergistic Tesla line of cables compare to Nordost, Kubala, or Stereovox?
Jylee, I think you have to say something about which grade of each you are thinking about.

Bacardi, you sound like Ted describing the mix of cables that goes into each.
The maximum budget is 1k-1.5k for a pair of interconnects. More for speaker cables. That probably covers up to Precision Reference if bought used. The contenders would be Valhalla, Emotion, or SEI-600ii. I'm trying to maximize value/investment ratio, and will settle with lower grade with better value.
Jylee, so you want to start with a pair of interconnects first? For what component? The Synergistic cables are all different and need to be placed in the correct spot. I would start with the cable from CDP to Preamp first. Then speakers cables and then pick up a interconnect for Preamp to amp. For CDP to Pre. Try the Acoustic Reference. It is nice cable that will compliment those Focal speakers. Synergistic used a pair of Focal speakers to voice his entire Tesla line. So you are in for a real treat!
Hello all!!!!

Has anyone heard of a new "high-end" power cord from S.R?????

Yes, but it is not just a power cord. It will be at the RMAF. I don't know much about it, however. It will be very expensive.
I heard its based on the Powercell technologies. You said it though, very high price tag. Maybe 5 digits?????

Regards Bacardi
Yes, it is based on PowerCell technologies, whatever that means. I look forward to hearing it at the RMAF. Five digits!!!
Adhaney, I heard about it from SR, but no real details other than that I better come by at the RMAF and hear it.
hmmmm..... heh... I can hear me now "honey... can we PLEAASEEEEEEEE go to Denver instead of Zion for our honeymoon this fall.. "
Anybody experience a Tesla D1/2/3 on there CDP?? I'm auditioning a Hologram D and D3 for my CDP. Anxious to here how 5.1 movies will sound with the two cords ....
Yes, I have a D3 and two Hologram Ds. Frankly I am amaze at the improvement they give. The D3 far surpasses my Stealth Sextet, which was the best I had tried. The Hologram D on my music server caused me such disbelief that I went to the trouble to put back the other power cord and to try yet others in this application, but the Hologram D blew them away.
Tbg and Bacardi

I talked with Ted and was told it's not a power cord, but speaker cables, and yes... they will be very expensive. He explained it all too me but that's way too much to understand without having a look for myself... so I'm going to RMAF just to check it out. Well that and Ted offered to buy me a drink (which will have to be water since I can't have alcohol!)

(formerly Adhaney)
Tbg or anyone. Just received my Hologram D and D3. Do I plug the Hologram D in my QLS 9 or straight into the wall Teslaplex?????

Bacardi, I agree with Adwiegert, try both ways. I never did, however, until this summer. But even there I could not switch back and forth as I left my PowerCell in Texas.
Just as others have commented try it both ways.

After doing this if you are still not sure , I would think keeping the digital from the Analog would be a good thing.

So,if your QLS9 has Analog items plugged into it, I would plug the Hologram D into a seperate outlet (perhaps the wall outlet), or at least with other Digital items.

If you go straight into the wall get another Teslaplex outlet.

How do you like your QLS anyways? Did it replace a previous power strip/conditioner? What cord do you have on it? I need something to replace my powerwedge 112 and I was thinking of a QLS-6. I'll end up with a powercell eventually I'm sure but right now I can't afford one so the QLS is it!
Adwiegert, I previously owned a PS Audio Quintescence which was restricting quality. I really like the QLS 9 but would prefer two QLS 6's, one on either side of the plasma. Makes it easier to connect components & say a second subwoofer. I have a Tesla Precision AC on it now which replaced the T2. The Precision just kills the T2 with greater dynamics, speed & 3 dimensional soundstage. My last purchase will be a Powercell 10SE. I am now auditioning a Hologram D and a D3 digital RCA, it'll be a few weeks for the burn in and to settle in to make any conclusions on how they will perform.

Regards Bacardi
fwiw - Once you get the 10SE, I predict you will kick yourself for not getting it sooner.
Joeyboynj, SR does provide a Precision AC on the PowerCell. They also recommend it for large tube amps and some ss amps. On the two ss amps where I tried it, the Hologram A was quite superior.YMMV.
I compared the Precision AC to T3 UHC I have on my Krell amp. The Precision AC was more detailed but I found the T3 UHC to be more balanced/natural sounding/musical.

Based on that experience, I would tend to agree that the Precision AC would be a good match for some tube amps per Tbg.
It really depends on your equipment which cable you will like since they are all voiced differently. The Precision AC sounds better than the T2 or T3 on my Levinson 32 preamp. I just did an interesting experiment; I replaced the T2 on my Quattro (runs 12 cables) with a T3, and then a Precision AC. I did this over several days as the cables need some time on the Quattro. The Precision was significantly better than the other 2 cables. The midrange was more forward with greater bloom. Better detail and resolution.

Now Ted has new speaker cables to replace my Apex cables. He is a bad but brilliant fellow!
Splashkin I called SR on Friday and had a long conversation with Ted regarding the new cables. It seems there is not only a new flagship SC but also a new IC as well. They employ electromagnetic cells at either end of the cables (think mini powercells made of silver and gold at the beginning and end of each cable) with four seperate cables running inbetween the cells. The cables or strings as he called them are either pure gold or silver with an air dialectric and active shielding. You can swap any combo of gold or silver strings to tailor the sound of the cable to match your system and personal taste. He also indicated the cables come with a full compliment of silver and gold strings standard.

When I asked the price he said the cables were "orders of magnitude" more expensive to manufacture then Apex and will carry a very high price tag- think new German M badged automobile. Yikes!
Splaskin, I have a QLS 9. In regards to your change, I have a Precision AC on my QLS, T2 on pre, T3 on my Power Amp, T2 on my Quattro, Hologram D on my CDP, If I tried your set-up, what would you use on the QLS??

Hi Bacardi,

My system uses Precision AC on the preamp, Hologram D on my DAC, T3 on my Stax headphone amp. My amps, Levinson 33H have their own captive AC cables. This leaves me a Precision AC for the Quattro. I have a spare T3 for whatever and one T3 for my LCD 55 inch TV/DVD/satellite TV setup.

I think the Precision on the QLS if fine. Here's what I've discovered; you have to try different set-ups to really know what sounds best to you. Ted gives you a starting point, but he can't possibly listen to every amp, preamp, etc. out there.