??? SVS "Ultra Evolution Elevation" OR Elac "BS243.4 Carina" Speakers ???

I'm interested in any comments regarding the sound quality of either of these small stand mount speakers if anyone has ears on experience...They would be used in a fairly small room & driven by a Class AB integrated with 40/60 wpc.@ 8/4 ohms...Thanks much,I appreciate it...


Is this used as a main listening speaker?That SVS speaker shown is a rear surround and is NOT a good choice.

This is their bookshelf speaker (highly recommended)

SVS Ultra Evolution Bookshelf Front

I heard that SVS bookshelf at CAF last year and like it. I oddly very much disliked their ballyhooed floorstander.

@gdaddy1 ,NO,the speakers shown can be used in any configuration,NOT just a rear surround..
@jond Can you tell me which bookshelf you heard?Thanks..

The Elac was designed by Andrew Jones....i.e.,  a no-brainer buy, stuff designed by him at any price will be good stuff. It may take a very long time for any ol'  engineer to get to the aptitude level & niche knowledge the guy has (devil's in the details, anyone can come up with a ballpark/coarse speaker design).

Hope that helps.