SUT for EAR 834p?

Hi folks. Happy Wednesday.

When I was younger I owned an EAR 834p (20 years ago?). Loved it, don’t know why I sold it. So I recently bought another one.

I found a very nice 834p (with Mullards) and have been playing through my system with a Dynavector 20x2L cartridge. If I press the moving coil button on the back, it sounds fine but I need to turn the volume up to really enjoy my music.

I’ve read that inserting an SUT between the table (SL1210GR) and the EAR might be a good idea, and if I do that just use the MM input. Supposed to sound "better"?

I’d appreciate experience listeners describing to me what differences I might notice other than increased volume. SUT’s are not inexpensive and suggestions would be appreciated brands/models. Or do I just sell the Dynavector and get a high output MC? Or a high quality MM?

Btw my music is "straight" jazz and classic rock.  And lots of acoustic guitar.  And piano, cello, etc.  

Thank you and Happy 4th coming up (my birthday).

Steve Ashe


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Hello Steve, I am looking for a SUT and want to get a Cinemag 1254 with 4 ratio options for gain setting.
Wanted to know which one you end up buying and from whom? and how do you feel about your performance now? what settings you choose 1:20? . If you can let me know please that would be great

Thanks for your help
Best Regards,

I ended up buying a Cinemag 1254 based SUT.  Should be here later this week, very excited!  Keeping the Dynavector for now.  

In a similar price range seriously consider getting the Hana ML or Phasemation PP-200 - the last one might surprise even more. 

OP here. Based on the wealth of information available here on audiogon and across the internet, I’ve been looking at good mm carts. Seriously considering a Nagaoka MP-500H and just using the mm input on the EAR 834P rather than adding a SUT in between my Dynavector and the EAR. I haven’t changed out cartridges in a while and it might be fun to play. The Nagaoka seems to be well respected. And certainly has enough oomph to use the mm section of the ear.  

As I mentioned I presently use a Dynavector 20x2l.

Thumbs up, down, sideways? Would love to hear your thoughts.

I had grounding issues with a SUT so switched to a solid state head amp that had no such issues, lots of gain and sounds good, plus it is cheap!,cartridge%20you%20throw%20at%20it.


One of my owned SUT's is the Cinemag 1254.

This has been compared to a range of other Brand SUT's and does stand out for how it projects the Upper Mid's and has a added presence in the Bass that does seem capable of producing the perception, that the bass has as a speedy roll off with not too much overhang.

It is also during comparisons a SUT that does not seem to add a influence that has a rich influence on the sound. 

It is the closest to the transparency of a Head Amp, with a similar bass presence.


Jensen makes the mc 2rr L 1/10 ratio for $715, can be had for $649 @ Cable Solutions. I own it and think it sounds nice. Here is a review...

Also own the Ear 834p with stock jj tubes. 


I mean all of this is really great information.  I'll be living on vinylengine for a bit :-).  

This is all great information.  Thank you guys!   

I've been focused on digital for so long that I forgot how much I like vinyl.  I'm having fun with the 834p,and the SL1210GR turntable.  I'm going to start the search for a SUT for the Dynavector.  The internal EAR SUT sounds pretty good though.  Pretty, pretty good.....

SUT can be a good thing if chosen correctly.

 I recommend you go to the website “Vinylengine” and look up “Step-Ups and MC cartridge’s “ get all the spec’s  on you cartridge and do some math to get the proper SUT for your cartridge. 
It is a good article on picking out the correct SUT. 
Joe Nies

I currently use Ear’s MC4 sut with my Ear 834p with exceptional results. In a much lower price range, you can buy the Cinemag 1254. You can assemble it yourself from units sold separately or ask to someone to do it. You will not spend more than $400.





I own a few SUT's and have received demonstrations of a range of other Brands SUT's as comparisons to my owned models.

I have also been demonstrated Head Amp's in my own system in comparison to my owned SUT's.

A Head Amp is also worthy of being considered as far as I am concerned.

The Structure A SUT is a Brand I was recently introduced to, and have received demonstration of this Brands Models as a Copper Tranx and a Silver Tranx.

I am quite familiar with the SUT these were compared to, and these have left a very good impression, to the point I intend on having  a Home Demonstration in the future.

I had read further into the Tranx Core Metal design of the Structure A SUT and had discovered SUT Models from another Brand using similar Core Metal for a product that was quite a bit more expensive to purchase.

I have also found a user comparison review of both the Brands SUT's where to Structure A is seeming making a very good impression and had been a selected purchase as the result.       

I use to use a Bob's Devices Cinemag with a Dyna Karat D3 with my EAR 834P. The MM section is superior to the MC section in terms of SQ. I never had a gain issue in MC mode.

SUT quality can make a rather large difference. They also can cost quite a bit.

Sculpture A Mini Nano has been getting a lot of praise in the $1k arena, and comes in many ratios including 1:20 and 1:26. You could also diy a Lundahl or Jensen and get good results too.

According to a review I read, your MM input is just shy of 50db gain so a 1:20 SUT will give you +6 db over the MC input. Higher ratios more obviously but the load starts getting pretty low ( numerically )...

Thanks for your comments Slaw. The switch is fine. And it plays to a reasonable volume in MC mode when I turn the volume up (not so when the switch is not depressed).

I’ve read through lots of forum threads where it is discussed that the SUT in the EAR is not the best quality. What do better SUT’s do than just raise the volume?  I hope this question makes sense.....

Your cartridge has a .3 mv output which shouldn't be an issue with the EAR that has 70 db in MC mode.