Surge protector

This morning we had a power surge.  First one I ever experienced.  It knocked out the sub woofer components of my GoldenEar Triton one speakers. In my ignorance I had them plugged into the wall rather than a surge protector. Soooo it blew the amplifiers in the sub woofers. It’s going to be a costly proposition: $500 for the amplifiers plus God knows how much the dealer is going to charge for coming to my house. (He’s very reluctant to do it, wants me to lug the 80 lbs speakers to the store.   
Meanwhile, I’m having to listen to bass-less  speakers for the foreseeable future.
So, the moral of the story is plug everything into a surge protector.


Showing 18 responses by rvpiano

I ordered this right after the incident.  It’s already been shipped:

Pangea Audio Octet Premier - 8 Outlet Power Center 20 Amp Outlet

I have an Isotech unit for my amps and a few other devices.


Thank you very much for the info.  What would you suggest I use as a surge protector?


Hopefully the electric company will pay something. I’m going to fill out a claim form. I’ll also check out the homeowner policy.

The amps have shipped and should arrive Tuesday.
Unfortunately, I am not the least bit handy, so I am going to suffer the expense of paying a technician from the dealer.

I’ve ordered the Furman PST-8 unit to protect my new subwoofers once they are installed.

Spending my time listening to chamber music and other music not requiring a subwoofer.

Maybe I’ll get to know the Beethoven string quartets better.


I phoned a GoldenEar technician right after the outage. His first response was that it was blown amps.  I wish it were otherwise.


Thank you for the suggestion.  At this point though, I’m going to leave well enough alone and go back to the way it was.

 I’m through!

No, the Extreme Voltage light didn’t trigger.  
‘And it’s still not working when plugged into the wall.


I had the new amps for the subwoofer installed yesterday with the plugs in the wall socket, and things sounded great. I then plugged one of them into the Furman. The light on the amp flickered and then went out.  I plugged it back into the wall.  Same thing happened

No sound! Evidently the Furman caused the amp to stop working!

To answer the questions:

The amp itself is not working. GoldenEar is sending a complementary re-placement.

Yes, the light on the amp flickered and went out after being plugged into the wall..

The amp is internal. Can’t take a look at the back.

I bought the Furman from Amazon. Easy return.

I’m going to plug the amps in the f…ing WALL.

Nothing has gone wrong with blown components from electricity in several decades living here. I’ll take my chances.

However, my electrician is looking into a surge protector for the electrical panel.

I got a new complimentary amp from GoldenEar and had it installed in the speaker.

  I’ve decided not to worry about a new surge. It was the first one I had in my house in the 50 years I’ve lived here.
I’m keeping the speakers plugged into the wall.

GoldenEar simply said it was under warranty and promptly sent me a new one.

Fantastic speaker and company.