Supratek Owners Thread

Greetings All - 
It appears that the 26-million-plus view, multi-decade "Preamp Deal of the Century" Supratek thread has been removed. I'm not sure why, but suppose there must be a reasonable explanation.
In any case, on that thread I recently asked whether there might be interest in a "Supratek owners thread" and received some interest. 
The purpose of this thread is for Supratek owners to share the details of their system, ask questions, share information about any tube-rolling they have done, and so forth.
I'll kick us off here with a few details about my system -
ancient Linn LP12 with Ittok arm, Dynavector 17D3 cartridge into Cortese LCR phono stage
Power amp is a fully serviced Innersound Electrostatic amplifier
Quad ESL63 speakers (not USA monitors) or JBL 4430 studio monitors
Digital sources are immature and evolving - ancient Fostex CR300 cd player/burner
DacMagic 100 DAC
Nordost Blue Heaven 75ohm interconnect
Due to the fairly long lengths of speaker wire required in the new listening room, speaker wire is Belden 12 gauge wire designed for low-voltage outdoor lighting systems. 
Next steps - dedicated circuit, new power cords, new interconnects, new wires.

Does the Cabernet have the same setup of balance and rear mounted gain controls as the Chardonnay? These features seem very useful and I'd hate to lose them by going to the Cabernet.



Thank you @jackd . Was ready to order a Supratek and wait 4 months. Before sending the email scanned the ads one last time, to make sure I wasn't missing a super preamp deal. I'm on final break at work and there it is... a Don Sachs D2. Thought it wouldn't last until I got home. It did and now it is on the way. I should have it in less than a week. I may still order a Supertek. Now I can return the borrowed preamp. 





Congrats on your purchase.  Of the two that just sold did you buy the black face unit or the older silver face unit with the gain controls?

@jackd thanks. Bought the chrome model with gain controls. Don Sachs is in favor of deleting them, but I like the extra versatility of adjustable gain and balance, normally a Supratek advantage. Owner sent it to DS for updates, including the new rectifier. Was mentally prepared for Supratek and 4 month wait, now it is DS and a week. Life is always surprising.



I think the dual gain controls are a big advantage and wish mine had them.  The fixed 18db gain on the newer models gain can be a bit much with many amplifiers if using higher efficiency speakers.  In the combination I use mine in the AVA amp has a high input sensitivity of 2.5 volts and the Rosso Fiorentino speakers are only 88 db so it works out fine.  

The Supratek has big advantages to those with multiple amps. My VTL is 125k input at 2v. The Pioneer Series 20 M-22 class A amp is 47k at 1 volt. I've had other components that run out of volume control. Is there a disadvantage to putting the largest cap needed on the DS, when using other amps, besides size and price?



anyone compare or know if its worth it to go from a CHARDONNAY to a cabernet?

depends on your system and what your after.   they are 2 different circuits with the later incorporating some CCS.   The Cab's sound a little more hifi or tend show some more contrast in the music than the Chardonnay.  Thusly I would call the Chard. a bit smoother or even handed across the board,  a little less 'jump' factor if you will.   Both sound amazing.  would really come down to personal listening preference and associated gear and or the direction your trying to move from where your at right now..

I would maybe think the Chard but ymmv.  It's always a personal preference at the end of the day.  Can't go wrong with either.  Maybe start with a Chard.,  less exp. and see if you feel like your wanting of anything.  Most likely will be very happy though.

After A few weeks of reading and researching and emailing back and forth with Mike,I placed an order for A Cortese! I wanted an all in one preamp like my Marantz. Now the waiting begins, going to be a Long few months.

Congratulations @skypop . This should be a big upgrade. You can spend some of the waiting time reading about tubes. 



Thanks @aldnorab my marantz sounds great,always wanted to hear a Preamp using 6sn7 tubes with balenced outs. Wasn't interested in Schitt audio Freya+,so this will help to not use my Marantz 7 all of the time. 

I have been trying out a lot of different tubes in my Cabernet, ranging from RCA 12sx7, TS round plate, 6f8g from Sylvania and Raytheon, Sylvania "bad boys", 7n7, etc. 

My tube rolling mania got the better if me and I bought some adapters that allow me to use a pair of *j5 instead of a single *sn7. Got them from a guy in Bulgaria that does great work.

Anyway, started with some Sylvania 12j5gt with round plates. Wow! There is a level of clarity and openness now that I hadn't heard before. Trawling through some forums it sounds like even the inexpensive metal version sound great.

So if you'd like to try upping your tube rolling game without breaking the bank, try some 6j5 tubes! I also highly recommend getting Mick to install a 12v option on your preamp if you order one. It opens up a lot of possibilities. 

Can someone measure the dimensions of the power supply for the Cortese? I need to make a shelf for the power supply, my rack is full. Just a shelf for the preamp itself. Thanks for any help.

@skypop the chassis for the power supply is the same size as the preamp itself, so about 13.5 inches by 13.5 inches. Roughly.

In terms of height, with the rectifier I'm using (large shouldered tube), the power supply is about 10 inches tall. I have about three inches of clearance between the top of the 5U4 and the shelf above it.

Thank you very much, this is going to be sitting on the floor next to my rack.

Good idea @skypop . Wonder how long the umbilical cord is? Wouldn't want my linestage 2 ft. off the ground. 



Thanks for the info @sc2 . I saw a 3rd party upgrade umbilical cord that was about half that length. It would be very difficult to fit into my rack. The stock Supratek makes it much easier.





If your talking about the RAL umbilical it does make a very positive difference and Brad will make it the length you need.  I've got one for the Chardonnay and will get one for the Cabernet when it arrives. 

Well, I hope to join this thread as an owner and not just a dreamer sooner rather than later!

@jslateiv I have a Syrah in my sights and was told you might be able to give it the once over and some love. Please let me know if that's the case and whether you'd be interested. I would love the help and the Syrah would, no doubt, love the love.

@budburma   Yep,  I'm here and happy to help.  Shoot Mick an email and ask for my contact info.  A'gon won't let me post it here.  These units carry a transferable lifetime warranty (provided they hav'nt been modded),  so if anything is wrong due to component failure (somewhat rare) it will most likely be covered.  At the very least I can make sure all is in spec and clean/tighten up for you.

Current wait times may be less than before. Ordered a Corerese LCR abut 3-4 weeks ago and it is shipping any day now. Longer wait if you want the chrome chassis. I didn't care and went with powdercoat.


I ordered a Chardonnay 3 January 31st waiting patiently.  Mick said it will have the Linlai 6sn7 tubes installed.  Happy patient man here!

I just landed a Syrah and am super psyched take part in this happy Supratek group! One of Mick's pre+phonos have been on my mind for over 15 years... Looking forward to sending it in for the once over, twice buffed and whatever upgrade there's to be done to @jslateiv once I hear back from Mick where that might be. 

Too bad about the deal of the century thread disappearing - I imagine it must have been in some server switch over or something. I used to pour over that and let my imagination run though some beautiful fields of I wish I'd taken some notes!

Anyway, I have some Sylvania 6sn7w's and -wgt's already on the way and stoked for the magic.

@aldnorab the power supply will be on the floor stand,the Preamp section will be in my rack. I'm making a 15"X15" platform that I can change the legs length to whatever I need. I'm making it with 8" legs for now,after the Cortese arrives I may make changes depending on umbilical to Preamp. Might just make this into a 2 shelf unit.

@Wideload that sounds great! Maybe that means I'll receive mine around the end of April,fingers crossed.

I wonder if a single Merlot mono might be matched.....

The guy I bought the Syrah from had a pair of Merlot monos - he said after 3 weeks, one went on the fritz and blew a fuse a couple of times 15 years ago. He sent it to someone in CA for repair who just said it was shot and never returned it!

SO, the seller kept and still has one hardly used Merlot. I wonder if a match can be made or did they all have the no longer available bits and pieces? He said when he had them and the Syrah powering Sonus Faber Guarneri's and "you didn't even need drugs"! I told him "you don't really NEED drugs" even if they really DO make it sound better....

My 'new' Syrah is at a friend's in Boulder, CO where the seller dropped it off. Still hoping to hear from Mick regarding @jslateiv . Rumor has it he's hiding out in my home state of NC....

Getting set up for the Syrah and I'm curious if if the 2 chassis are ok next to each other - is there an advantage to separating them? If so, is there a minimum distance apart they should be?

Thanks in advance for your insight.

If next to each other,  I would give them at least 6' of space.  In that it is a transformer coupled design (output)..  those OPT's will pick up any stray/strong EM.    Generally not a huge concern but the PS is just that and you wouldn't want them practically touching. 

@wideload did your Preamp come in yet? I'm waiting on a Cortese and the wait is killing me lol.

Received my Grange in Black/Chrome. I havn't had te chance to listen as my systems are tore down for the time being.

I did mangage to inspect it after it arrived and it is a thing of beauty.

Pictures, please! 

Mick just agreed to have mine painted in Pearl-White to match my speakers: these things should be in a design museum somewhere one day.



Not a computer person so not really sure ow to do tat wit this site. 

The photo on Mick's blog is what I have. Its the first photo and he talks about the Grange being his favorite creation.

I’ve been battling a noise issue. Adjusting the volume was incredibly scratchy and there was a background grittiness that was annoying me. Finally traced it to one of the 6l6gc regulator tubes. With cleaning I had managed to narrow down the noise to just one channel. Then when I swapped the signal tubes the noise was in the same channel. I never considered the regulator tubes because I never touched them. The preamp came with them already installed and I never used a different tube. Anyway, I took out the one on the right, cleaned the pins and now there’s no more noise! I wonder why that tube got noisy, very strange. 

@isaacc7  Glad you were able to eliminate the noise. I recently used a Dremel, with soft buffing wheel, to clean all the tube pins for my Don Sachs linestage and VTL ST150 amp. A huge improvement with the old stock tubes in the linestage. Much sweeter and purer high frequencies. The VTL tubes are only ~5 years old, and there wasn't as much improvement. 



Good news,my Cortese shipped a few days ago and is already in the states! I ordered it the first week of March,Mick included a few different sets of tubes that he said make a difference depending on which ones you use,so hopefully by this weekend,feel like I've been waiting forever lol.

@skypop No clue.  I just tried to post one off of Instagram and it came up blank.  Maybe someone can give us a tutorial.

Anyone know how to get in touch with Mick? The email on his website seems to be invalid. Thanks.

When I talked with him over the weekend he was going to have minor surgery on Monday so out of pocket for a few days.

It's official, my Cortese arrived this morning! So far its definitely sounding great! Only a few hours on it but from when I first put it into the system to now I can hear that it has opened up more, at first it sounded a little stuffy but not now lol. Mine is the dark wood base with chrome plate tops. The rest of my system consists of Magnepan 1.7i,and 3.6r's that I switch between sometimes,2 sunfire subs in use when the 1.7i's are playing,PS Audio M1200 amps, chord cutest dac,meridian cd transport and a meridian 518 processor, and my trusty Technics ML-1000 Mk2 Table with a Ortofon TA210 arm which I use different carts with. Everything sounds more lifelike and life-size. My other preamp is no slouch by any means-Marantz7 Preamp,technology moves on but I would still never sell my Marantz.