Suggestions on improvement

 I'm 78 with age related  hearing decline.My current system which I do enjoy is comprised of a  Marantz CD cd 60006,Technics integrated SUG700,Canton stand mounted 9k reference speakers, and  two SVS SB1000 pro subs, Subs interconnects are SVS. Stand mounted are connected by marker cables on upper frequencies and monster cables Powerline 2 for mids and bass. 

Speakers are placed 8 ft apart the listening position is also 8 ft.The  room is untouchable,that is to say wife has fixed my location,hey no smirks, I know where my beard is buttered.The room has vaulted ceiling 14 ft(at sitting position),has one open sidewall,another is 3 ft behinds the speakers and is covered in  floor to ceiling drapes on a 9 ft wall,the third wall on one side is all glass (glass door and full length window next to it ) the final wall behind the sitting position has glass covered photos and prints.On The sides of each speaker are over stuffed chairs with a couch facing the speakers.Hanging plants are in all corners.The room has wall to wall carpeting. For domestic tranquility I can only subtract components so bass traps and alike are verboten. I listen Stones, Beatles, Who,female solos, symphonies,and jazz(sax oriented).

Are there any cheap tweeks to improve current system given the above, max budget $1000.However if can improve my sound by selling off apiece of gear and adding that revenue I'd do it, just don't know what I'd get off the sale. 


The best upgrade that you could do to your system is get the Townshend podiums under your speakers they stop the vibration from going into the floor and back into the speakers and your equipment, It's the best upgrade I've ever done to my system, and my system is worth 72,000 and it was like I upgraded to even better electronics they're not cheap but well worth it.

You won't get decent hearing aids for anywhere near $1,000.00. The Schiit Loki may be an option. I wear my hearing aids when I listen and select the music program.

I am 72 & have hearing loss & tinnitus. I do wear hearing aids, but can clearly hear every major & minor change I have made to my system. So, I agree that the OP maybe should start with a gearing test & potentially hearing aids, but it depends on the loss and at what frequencies. 
However, I do not agree that a $1,000 expediture can’t be a significant improvement.   

Being 78 and having age related hearing issues and not knowing what areas of what you’re hearing you need to improve, I’d take most responses here with a grain of salt. You’re going to get lots of responses that are wide of the mark.

I have the Technics SU-G700M2 and trust me when I say to ignore any responses to replace it. What I’d like to know is, are you using the RCA out on the Marantz CDP or one of the digital outs? I ask this as the Technics is a fully digital DAC amp and you’d need to spend a lot on a DAC to improve on what it can do for a digital signal.

Saying that and assuming you’re not using the RCA out on the Marantz, try using a great Toslink optical cable (mine is from DH Labs-click on the blue link) as it bested any RCA cable or Coax I have on hand. I haven’t tried many but the sound I’m getting is marvelous.

The Marantz should be good enough to serve as a transport and if you like what you hear, you can invest further down the road on a better transport when and if you feel like it. Also, check out Darwin Cables and their Specials page for cables used at audio show as you can get some great discounts on some great cables. Hope that helps.

All the best,

As somebody who has worn them for over 20 years, I can say that hearing aids made much more difference to my enjoyment of sound than any of the many pricey pieces of gear that I own. You can get top quality hearing aids at Costco hearing center for about $1500, which is about $500 more than you want to spend, but you might also look into OTC hearing aids, which you could certainly find within your budget (although many of those would be too expensive, too).