Suggestions for filling speakers stands?

I am using some very good bookshelf speakers, and want to get the best sound out of em w/stands....and I was
wondering if anyone had some advice on what is the best way
to fill speaker stands for sonic conciderations?
I hear differing theories and views on this subject and am not certain on which way to go...Leadshot?...Sand?...combinations w/resin?..etc?...
....I've heard some say non vibrating or shifting fill is best for heat dissipation effects and so forth. But have also heard that solid resin filled stands are the way to go from others. Any input/advice?
Jonny Cat unscented kitty litter. Its cheap and available at your local supermarket. It isnt as heavy as lead shot or sand, though, if you need to add weight to the stands.
Steel shot. Check yellow pages for Industrial Abrasives Suppliers. Inexpensive & doesn't hold moisture like sand. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE EXPOSED TO LEAD PRODUCTS!
I have used a combination of lead shot and sand in most of my speaker stands. The lead is great for damping, and the sand fills in the spaces around the shot. Just be sure the sand you use is free of salt and thoroughly dry (I bake the sand in a 350-degree oven for about 2 hours to be sure it is dry.)
I had printed a copy of a chat from 7/30/00, so I looked up the address for you. There are detailed explanations of a few excellent methods of filling speaker stands. Hope this link works, otherwise try searching for a thread titled "sand or shot for speaker stands?
Silicone (but not sand) is better than steel shot and steel shot is better than lead shot as far as passing mechanical energy. Brass is the most capable, but where ya' gonna find brass balls? Oh, i know :) I can't say which would be best for you rig, though. Gotta experiment
Ohlala: Where do you locate Silicone in a form that stands can be filled with. The fill holes on my stands are way too small fro even the smallest of breast implants. Is Silicone low mass as well? I am looking for a fill that is of low mass and that passes energy quickly.
I have experimented with much of what is listed here as fill material. I agree with Sdcampbell about the lead and sand combo, I use it in the tubular housings of my Soundlab U-1's. Silica turned out to be best for my aluminum turntable and phono stands. This is the material used for sand blasting. It's extra clean, and free of contaminants, bone dry, reasonable weighty, has sharp edges that packs like crystal inside the stand. Non toxic with normal handling, a 25 pound bag cost $21.00.

A word of caution when filling with playground sand or other gritty materials. If your stand has spikes exiting the bottom, be certain the threads are isolated from the compartment you are filling. Failure to do so will allow grit to fill the void as adjustment is made. The spike finally freezes up and cannot be turned without damage to the adjustment threads or the stand itself.
For completely different approach, use vibrapods between
speaker and stand you will be amazed at the difference in sound. You will get deeper bass which is the major shortcoming of small 2 way speakers. Very cheap tweak to try, and stands then don't need to be filled. Overall sound in most cases will be improved.

Don't dismiss this tweak without trying it first!
I know there is someone who sells silicone in audio form, but i have forgotten who they are. The only other place i can think of is a pool table/bar-games store. Some of these stores sell those long wooden tables where you try to slide a puck in to a defined area for points, like shuffleboard. These tables use silicon sand for the puck to slide over, and of course the store carries the 'sand' ( in a very fine form). Looks like Albert has found a less expensive sorce, though, there's no way you're gonna get a 25lb bag for $21 at these stores. I use the word 'silicone' meaning a "solid", but i am not sure whether that variation of the base word specifically refers to the more liquid form instead. I'm not absolutely positive, but silicon probably has the one of, if not the highest, energy-transfer/density ratios of the materials used by audiophiles. If i do think of that audio company, i will let you know.
I believe it was Target that offered Silicon for filling audio stands, but I am not certain if they are still in business.