Suggestions for 45 rpm purchases?

I was ready to purchase a few 45 rpm records and I thought I'd get some recommendations from the Audiogon gang since these are a fair sized investment(generally $50+). I listen mainly to jazz and classical but please leave recommendations in any category. I apologize if this has been covered before but I couldn't find anything when I did a search.
Thanks in advance for your input.
One of the more shocking musical experiences in my younger days was attending my local high school's jazz band concerts. (They were very good. They sold out 2-3000 seat auditoriums and even did European tours. At any rate, when 8 or 10 trumpets opened up full blast, well, you obviously understand how shockingly LOUD (yet clear) that was.

We're mostly into classical but I'll try the Satchmo... Thanks.
Fantasy series of Sonny Rollins -"Way Out West". It is the best sounding recording I have ever heard!

Everyone involved in this pursuit needs help. Seriously.

As you like intensity, I absolutely recommend the 200 gram version of Satchmo Plays King Oliver (ST-91058). Played at a trumpeter's normal volume, i.e. loud (apologies to you trumpet players)this is a shockingly emotive production.
I will second Albert's suggestion of the Time Out '45. Very nice, indeed. I will also disassociate myself from the "production" camp - basically because I don't have a clue what they mean. I happen to think that a majority of the 45's sound incredible - why would I want to avoid that? The only drawback I can see is the one Mknowles speaks to regarding the "story telling" on an LP. Sometimes that just can't be broken up - shhhh CD lovers will hear us! :-)

Even a good number of the older '45's - singles from other LP's and some going way back that were produced only as singles - sound pretty damn good, providing you can find them in decent shape.
Now you've sent me shopping again. I really love the Classic 33rpm issue of 'Time Out', even the cymbals, but if the 45 is that much more involving and present...

Certainly there is a ton of music where interrupting the narrative flow to change sides more often would be disturbing. Mahler on 45's would be insufferable. For really involving, intense listening to shorter pieces however, I love them. Maybe I'm the weird one!
Please put me in the wierd statement category. I purchased Louis Armstrong's 45. The rendition of St. James Infirmary was outstanding. However,I won't buy another 45 rpm album.

For me, the pleasure of a album is enhanced by the presentation of the tracks. After repeated listening, their order begins to tell a story (or perhaps, I begin to create a story).

In my opinion,the 45 album is a vehicle to showcase equipment and not a way to immerse oneself into the music.

When I want to exercise my legs, I go to the gym and do squats.
My most played 45's are all jazz. My favorite is "Bill Evans at the Montreux Jazz Festival" (Classic Records).

A close second is "Cool Struttin" with Sonny Clark, Art Farmer, Jackie McLean Paul Chambers and "Philly" Joe Jones (Classic Records).

The one I originally dismissed, "Time Out," The Dave Brubeck Quartet, turned out to be a real surprise. I have so many copies of this jazz masterpiece I originally dismissed the possibility of yet another copy.

The first time I heard this was my original 6 eye, purchased in college and still sounding great after all these years. Since then I purchased two additional Columbia reissues, along with the (excellent) 33 RPM Classic Records version.

Believing I had memorized every note and nuance of sound from the shear number of times it spun in my system, I was not expecting anything new from the 45 release. Surprisingly, this version revealed the session in ways I never imagined. Not just more energy which is the hallmark of 45 RPM's higher velocity, it is more "there," in a musical sense, putting you closer to the musicians instead of just listening to them.

Small details, as well as the drums, have texture combined with impact that is lacking in every other pressing. A long time annoyance that I thought to be in the original tape, was the quality of the cymbals. Now they have the natural metallic sheen that has been absence in every other pressing I own and have heard.

I believe these are worth the investment, not only from technical excellence, but for their ability to make the music more enjoyable.
That is the weirdest statement I've heard in a long time. There is certainly more of a process to playing 45rpm's due to their short side times, but that's hardly the reason why one does so.

For classical try these Classic Records 45rpm reissues:
Bartok/Music for Strings, Percussion & Celesta/Reiner/CSO

The dynamics of the Stravinsky are shocking. The Bartok displays a glorious palette of instruments, colors and subtle rhythms, none of which come through quite as clearly on the 33rpm version.
I haven't tried any, but here is how it was explained to me:

45's are for people who enjoy the process, not the music.

Whether this is true or not, I don't know.

Let us all know what you think when you try them.
John Coltrane's- "Blue Train" Blue Note 1577- distributed by Classic Records. Superb!