I am suprised at the unanimous opinion against this. I would think the more structure the site has the better it will be for everyone.
Audiogon is offering a unique oppertunity to let the members guide them in the lay out of this site. If you dont like this idea tell them why. You may see potential pitfalls that we dont see. If it is something specific tell us what it is and we can work on making it better for everyone.
I liked the lay out but I would change one thing. When making offers it has to be a percentage of the asking price. There should be some way to offer trades. I have received many offers to trade different equipment that I have up for sale. I like this idea and we should have a system that still allows this.
Audiogon is offering a unique oppertunity to let the members guide them in the lay out of this site. If you dont like this idea tell them why. You may see potential pitfalls that we dont see. If it is something specific tell us what it is and we can work on making it better for everyone.
I liked the lay out but I would change one thing. When making offers it has to be a percentage of the asking price. There should be some way to offer trades. I have received many offers to trade different equipment that I have up for sale. I like this idea and we should have a system that still allows this.