Suggestion for buying and selling on the site

I would like to see a system based more on the way Ebay does things. When you back out on a deal on ebay you get bad feedback and eventual removal from the site.

Could we have something you click on that finalizes the deal and confirms the purchase? There could even be a make offer box and if accepted it would insert the name of the buyer.

I have noticed a growing number of people saying that they want it and then you never hear from them again or one step further and they say they will send payment and never do.

This makes it hard because it can cause you to loose other potential buyers. An ad does its best when it is brand new and you loose sales when you tell everyone the sale is pending and it falls through.

We need something that signafies a purchase. Something we can add feedback to if the person says they want it and then back out.

What do you think?

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

When you go into a car dealer and tell the salesperson you want a new car, do you want those words to be legally binding, and you have to buy one before your leave the dealership? (They try to make you feel that way).

I've had sellers vanish in the middle of a deal as well, so it is not just buyers.

We need Kelly (Cornfedboy) to get in on this thread in his new official capacity!