@blisshifi Thank you for your thoughts on this.I have a power supply modded node, and it was a big improvement. Migrating my music files from an iMac to a Qnap nas also made a huge improvement in sound and performance. So at this point if I can get things sounding any better that they are I might start concentrating on digital only. I’m interested in upgrading in the future either Lumin which I have heard or Aurender which I have not. I think you’ve helped me decide on Aurender.
Streamer Upgrade
I have a modified Bluesound Node 2i with an upgraded power supply board and Terry Pardo power supply. While I am happy with it, I have the upgrade itch! I'm curious if anyone has upgraded from a modded Bluesound Node and what your thoughts are/were? On the TP website, they claim this upgrade brings "it very close to the level of network streamers costing twice as much" which makes me curious as to how big of a jump others experienced. I'm looking at streamer only as I am not interested in units with onboard DAC's. I currently use Roon with a Mac Mini as my Core. My DAC is the Schiit Gungnir MB.