I guess the OP is AWOL 🤔
@jerrybj Sweet. Post your impressions. In looking at the article posted below decide which output to use to your DAC- which DAC do you have?
Regarding this comment: @moonwatcher
One thing people seem to ignore (correct me please if I am wrong) is that to use the "better" clock in your external DAC over the one in a "cheap" streamer, you must use asynchronous USB or I2S, otherwise the clock in the streamer is doing the "driving". The use of Toslink optical or coax outputs from a streamer limits you to however good the clock in the streamer is. At least this is what Hans Beekhuyzen implied in a recent YouTube video of his.
In checking Antipodes articles it says this:
The implications of using different connections:
- Ethernet: Using Ethernet means the music server only performs the Server App step and the DAC performs the rest.
- USB: Using USB means the Server App, Player App and regeneration step are performed in the music server and precise-clocking is left entirely to the DAC.
- S/PDIF, AES3 or I2S: Using S/PDIF, AES3 or I2S means the Server and Player Apps, regeneration and re-clocking are performed in the music server, and the DAC’s re-clocking is applied to a cleaner signal. However, remember that S/PDIF and AES3 have only low bandwidth transmission capabilities.
So according to Antipodes it appears USB and I2S are not similar, and I2S is more like AES3, at least with their streamers. I don't know whether this is industry standard or if different streamers would not clock it using I2S (?)