Banks would not be using this approach or most global companies.
But yes comments are still best practice and now frequently in user exits... depending on the application.
A story just for you, on commenting. I was implementing a global SAP system. Its base was a couple million lines of code. I had a team of about fifty people working on it, a number of of consultants for over a year. We went live. We had a really bazar and urgent issue. Don’t remember the issue. But, my lead programmer / manager and I were reduced to scrolling through thousands of lines of code and associated user exits at 2 am in the morning. Finally after a couple hours... we found a line changed. There is a comment: "I am going to hell for this, I know I shouldn’t do it, I will regret this" and the programmers name is time date stamped. We just looked at it and broke up in anger / laughing and said, "Yes you are!, you SOB". The programmer was in Belgium and we were working in the US for the go live so he was not immediately available. So a few weeks later were were having dinner with about 15 people in Europe and with the offending programmer. I got up and said I want to toast the person in this group nearly shut the company down, I am sure that he will recognize this comment: "I am going to hell for this....etc" while looking right at him. He turned deep red. He knew that to find that, there had to be a huge problem and that it would have taken hours and hours to find it, It was funny then... not some much when the company couldn’t ship globally.