Streamer apps critical

I don't understand why high end manufacturers release streamers with terrible apps. One of the strongest advantages of the Nodes is the BluOS app. It's simple and effective,  though not full-featured. I understand the Innuos app is great. Not all of us like much less want to pay the cost of ROON and the online apps, like USB audio Player are clunky. I would love to see a paid-for version of BluOS or other manufacturers license a common but customized app, much as early versions of Windows were available from Dell, Gateway, Compaq and so many others. 


Showing 2 responses by pprocter

One thing that flabbergasted me is that PSAudio felt ok releasing the AirLens, which seems a great streamer, without a native interface. I'm looking at buying a streamer in the 2-3k range and I'm afraid it WON'T be the AirLens. 

The cost of Roon is high as are the hardware requirements. I'm a chemistry not an IT pro. I don't want to deal with Roon, nor does it seem to play nice with everything. The mfg will spend like crazy on milled aluminum  chassis an 10 inch LcdScreens but won't spend the money on software