Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor

Hey GON members,

My review of the Tekton Design Monitor just was posted on the Stereo Times website. I made the Encore Monitor my 2024 budget speaker of the year. In the review I get into the details about the Encore's performance, which is superlative for a $3000 a pair of speakers, that retains the special quality of kick and aliveness in the Tekton Design house sound, but then adds a new sense of refinement in vivid tonality/timbres and overall musicality. Dare I say, a touch of the classic Sonus Faber charm back in the day when Franco Serblin still owned the company. Hope you enjoy the review and find it helpful in informing you about the Encore Monitor's performance. 



What was actually accomplished?   

Not a thing, and for that, I do apologize. I am sincerely not proud of just trashing someone else for little reason other than a flowery review of a product that I would never buy. 

Not all “experts” are created equal. Also, there seems to be 3 reasons against negative professional reviews:
1) P reviewers choose interesting components for their audience, usually meaning newer designs with good reputations - so expect reliability and performance to be sorted out. They do not pick randomly, which would lead to significantly more negative reviews. 
2) P reviewers seem to avoid publishing negative reviews because in our small niche high-end audio market, such a review can have major negative financial effect on the manufacturer. Some consumers may feel like it’s bias not to objectify report the good and the bad. 
3) If a P reviewer reports negatively, future manufactures may avoid using them for fear of a negative review.

As a consumer, I’d like honesty the good and bad to help my purchase decision. But to not perspectively seriously hurt a manufacturer, I think it best not to publish a very detrimental review to give the manufacturer a chance to correct the issues


Reminder to self- don’t assign any importance to what this person writes.

The OP has been pushing that speaker line and his" reviews" far too long IMO...I didn't know self-promotion was even allowed on this site