Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)



I find the easiest way to llok up proper spilling is to open Google and type the word as best I can.  Nearly 100% of the time I will find it (with the proper accent marks), then copy/paste

My spelling ability was once its half-vast.




‘My point to @thecarpathian is that no one cares. We don’t read Terry’s reviews for his prose but because we appreciate his opinion.

For future reference you may want to replace "no one cares" with "I don’t care", "We don’t read" with "I don’t read" and "we appreciate" with "I appreciate" instead of taking it upon yourself to speak for everyone. But then again, speaking solely for yourself doesn’t have the same impact as including everyone versus me, does it.

Unless you have a mouse in your pocket. Then that’s just weird.

Think it’s time to let it go, don’t you?

 I said we counting the other posters like @fthompson251 who said: “I am forever thankful to Terry for his pointing me to the Coda S5.5.I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!”. I am not the only one who thinks you should let go and frankly should have never started it. Have a blessed weekend. 

@teajay   Let me state what you already know.  This forum has a higher percentage of members that like to rip on whatever.  Just a few years ago, it seemed like there were more posts from true gentleman whose mission was to help other members, not tear them down.

Anyway, while I may never have interest in a QSA product, I have always appreciated your input over the years and many of your reviews have led people to some very good gear indeed.  You were even kind enough to chat with me on the phone years ago about some questions I had on one of your reviews.  Thanks man.

Sorry, I got confused when you wrote "no one".

I let it go after my first post. I’m not the one who keeps bringing it up, I’m simply responding to posts directed at me.

But regardless, you also have a blessed weekend and a happy and blessed New Year.