Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)


Showing 15 responses by thecarpathian

"I’m really not surprised at the acrimonious tone and nit-picking comments, like my spelling error regarding artesian,"

That's not a spelling error, that's a grammatical error.

Not nitpicking, and certainly nothing acrimonious.

I mentioned it because your a professional writer/reviewer/editor and should better.


@teajay ,

Big writing faux pas in the Pinetree Audio write up.

it's artisan, not artesian. 

@mitch2 ​​

Touche’ sir, touche’!

I simply point out a grammatical error and not in any condescending, nasty and/or impolite way, and I’m accused of acrimonious behavior and being nitpicky and I’m getting crucified here. Don’t kill the messenger, I’d think a courteous ’thank you, I’ll know better next time’ was in order. Fine, screw up all the words you want. That’s it, I want my money back.

’Cogitating’, ’perseverating’.

At least we know you own a thesaurus.

You sure get a bee in your bonnet over being corrected.


Touchè. Hey! Sweet, thank you. I just have to keep my finger pressed down on the ’e’. Thank you for ungauching me. And I don't mean that in a prison way...

"Criticizing is so much easier, isn’t it?"

@spenav ,

So much easier than what? Being a professional reviewer/writer/editor who actually cares about proper grammar and misspellings in his reviews?

Yes, I imagine it is. You guys are blowing this so out of proportion it’s comical.

And thank you for pointing out my error. Anything that helps me become a better writer, I appreciate. Too bad others don’t share that point of view, huh?

‘My point to @thecarpathian is that no one cares. We don’t read Terry’s reviews for his prose but because we appreciate his opinion.

For future reference you may want to replace "no one cares" with "I don’t care", "We don’t read" with "I don’t read" and "we appreciate" with "I appreciate" instead of taking it upon yourself to speak for everyone. But then again, speaking solely for yourself doesn’t have the same impact as including everyone versus me, does it.

Unless you have a mouse in your pocket. Then that’s just weird.

Think it’s time to let it go, don’t you?

Sorry, I got confused when you wrote "no one".

I let it go after my first post. I’m not the one who keeps bringing it up, I’m simply responding to posts directed at me.

But regardless, you also have a blessed weekend and a happy and blessed New Year.

@spenav ,

Aaaaannnnndddd there you go again.

You just proved my point. Who can’t let it go? Clearly you’re the one confused about that.

I’m confused about nothing, daddy-o. I make a simple observation and "Let loose the fanboy attack dogs!" My post wasn’t malicious, it wasn’t disparaging in any way. It was a simple observation. There was no agenda behind it. I have nothing against the guy, I don’t know him and have never read his reviews before this one. I post it and suddenly I have this nefarious agenda. You’re also under the misguided presumption you know what I’m thinking. You are the same as wrong. I hope this clears up your confusion in any future correspondence we may have. Good day to you, sir... I said good day!

@noromance , thanks for that.

@grislybutter , I knew you’d have my back, gris!😆

And another thing, if anyone thinks he knows what’s inside my head the joke’s on him because there’s nothing there!😎

There’s a difference between making a mistake in a post on a forum and committing a bunch of grammatical errors and misspellings in a professional, published review or article.