static Issues...anybody know why?

When I use my Lyra Delos, no static at all.  When I use my Ortofon Quintet Mono, I have to pry the record off of the platter.  Why?
Wow guys, anybody here know how a Van de Graaff generator works?
What do you do when you want to shock your little sister....hows about rub your feet on the carpet. I'll leave it to you science nerds to look up why FRICTION causes static. Now I wonder where the friction is in a record playing system.
A grounded platter will work only if the mat is conductive. Most are not. All metal platters that I know of are grounded but there are an awful lot of plastic ones out there. Just having a grounded spindle will not work.
Anyway, I must be a miracle worker as not a single one of my records has any noticeable static charge on it. Maybe it is just magic.
It would be prudent to check the platter ground to verify that the grounding at the spindle is intact. Don’t expect a zero ohm reading though. 
Possibly the two phono cartridges differ in the degree to which the body and/or the cantilever of the cartridge is grounded, thereby making one of them more likely to dissipate static charge vs the other.  I agree with Geoff that the rubbing of the stylus against the vinyl has been shown NOT to be a major cause of static electricity build-up, but charge can be removed by devices that are in a way similar to a cartridge.  
One of my turntables has a bad problem with static and I used a deerskin mat that Eliminated  it very well. I agree with Geof in doubting that much static is coming from your cartridge. Maybe try a zerostat gun. They work very well. 
In any event can we agree static is not caused by the stylus rubbing against the vinyl? That would be silly.
norman, yes that will work but is a bit messy. Geoffkait with two fs you have that backwards. The record transfers the charge to the sleeve. Sleepwalker has it right. The most effective way to control static is to discharge it as soon as it is formed with a conductive sweep arm. Everybody I have set up with one would not live without it. You can buy 4 of them for the price of one Zerostat. 
Do like many of the old timers would do when static was a problem. Play the record damp or wet.  It works.  I know many who always play their vinyl wet.  Works. My dear audio buddy has been doing that for fifty years now.  

Huh? I always thought static electricity was produced by the vinyl record rubbing against air molecules as it spins. Also static electric charge is often transferred to the vinyl from the sleeve when withdrawing the record. Anti-static fluids and brushes can be used on vinyl. Nordost has one for audiophiles, some store bought sprays or towelettes are OK, too.
tzh21y, static is caused by rubbing, the stylus rubbing the groove. I can't see how an Ortofon stylus would rub a groove a whole lot differently than the Lyra stylus. The size of the stylus and the tracking force might make a difference. But, what is probably happening is the naked metal body of the Delos is probably grounded and is discharging the record as it goes. If you can get the room absolutely dark and use loops you might even be able to see little sparks jumping from the record to the cartridge like a mini Van de Graaff generator. 
All the devices and sprays that discharge the record are not much help because as soon as you start playing the record static electricity is generated and dust starts flying to the record. Just like the Lyra you have to discharge the record while it is playing. Get one of these,  The brush is conductive carbon and the arm's base is connected to ground. It will also sweep any incidental dust out of the way. A little finicky to set up but once it is you don't have to touch it. I have a felt pad carpet taped to the turntable and give the brush a clean before each play.
If the brush stops tracking well just clean it with alcohol and it will bounce right back. If you use this and a dust cover your records will stay pristine forever. 

You might want to try an accessory grounded sweep arm that trails the tonearm as closely as possible. 
Tried looking at them? Lyra Delos, open body, hardly anything comes near the vinyl but the stylus. Ortofon, great big plastic body running right next to the record. DYODD on static, everything from shape to construction, the Ortofon is gonna be worse.

Zero-Stat, Static-Guard anti-static spray, increase humidity if you can.