Starting off the New Year 2018

What's your New Year's (audio) resolution?
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oh yeah...getting my DIY wall mount system into service of my greater good!
To finally have a chance to make time for myself to listen to my system , which consists of B&W Matrix 800s , Krell FPB 600, Mark Levinson 38s. Krell KPS 20i . Straightwire Crescendo speaker cables , Straightwire Crescendo XLR interconnects.. And my newest addition to my family is...Krell B&W Bass Alignment Filter Balanced. 

My New Year's audio resolution (sorry for the pun) is to relax and explore my music collection---pure and simple. I spent the past two years building my system and listening to the same 10 cds over and over after each new tweak or upgrade. I installed 4 dedicated lines w/10 gauge cryo-treated Romex, experimented with footers (the ones from anvilturntables work best for me), filled my dedicated room with ATS quadratic diffusors behind the speakers and acousticsfirst model C diffusors on the ceiling and floor, ASC tube traps throughout, Owens/Corning 703 behind me and Roxul Rockboard to cover the picture windows, upgraded to Furutech outlets + Flux-50 power filters + Destat III, upgraded to PS Audio AC-12 power cords and Synergistic Research Black fuses, and bought the new SVS 4000 subs to support my KEF LS/50s, replaced favourite cds with better pressings such as Bluspec2, SHM, MFSL, DCC, K2HD, and on and on. Each time, I listened to the same 10 "test" cds to check improvements. Fellow audiophile friends tell me that my system sounds phenomenal but I'm exhausted and I just want to listen to the other 2000+ cds, records, and DATs in my music collection. That's my audio resolution for 2018.