Starting my showroom again
Yes to that. Maybe not a profitable or practical concept, but a good way the get the non-audiophile interested. Offer a show room where people could walk by, walk in, and listen. It would be a "bullet proof" entrance foyer with components visible but not accessible. No asking to audition. No salesman pushing something or trying to make a sale. Maybe a switch box so they can try a few things or dealer changes out components every week or so. I experienced such a shop at a strip mall out west. It was unique and memorable.
This addresses one of my biggest problems with hi-end audio. Being able to hear this stuff. And the higher up you go, the more this problem increases. You have to travel further and there are fewer dealers. Then you get just one shot at listening to this stuff and it is in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar associated components. Then you will be expected to buy because they just spent an afternoon on you. You walk in, listen for an hour, and expected to pay 10K, 50K? That is no unreasonable on the seller's side. It's just not a good business plan for both sides IMHO.