@mike4597 - I feel you are getting a lot of bad advice. Replacing your speakers? Your speakers are amazing. I have the Fyne Audio 502SPs and love them. I am using a sub which I think adds a lot of extension. I think your weakest link is your streamer. I would start with the streamer and then the dac. If you go used and increase your budget a little you could get a streamer and dac for under $5k. I know that’s easy for me to say, but I think you will hear an audible difference with a new steamer.
Start with Upgrade to DAC?
I am ready to set out on an upgrade cycle to my system, which consists of the following, over the next couple of years:
* Rogue Audio RP-7 Preamp (Upgrades: Rogue RP-9 or McIntosh C2800--C2800 includes Phono preamp and DAC)
* Odyssey Kismet Monobloc Amplifiers (Keepers!)
* Lounge Audio LCR Gold phono preamp (Keeper!)
* Fyne Audio F-702 Speakers (Keepers!)
* Definitive Tech Supercube 6000 (Vandersteen Sub Three or Paradigm XR11)
* Schiit Bifrost 2/64 DAC (Schiit Yggydraseil or ????)
* NAD C568 CD Player used as transport (Schiit Urd or ???)
* iFi Zen Stream
*iPad Pro for Apple Music
* Ice Age Audio OFC Power Cords
* Audioquest and mostly Morrow Interconnects (RCA & XLR)
* Performance Audio Speaker Cables, using Mogami W3104 Speaker Wire
I am thinking that perhaps the best place to start would be the DAC, with the idea of moving from the Bifrost 2/64, which I like, to the Yggdrasil (model TBD) DAC, which has gotten superb reviews that speak to sound quality characteristics that are of concern to me. Budget for DAC upgrade is about $2500. OR, should I go for room correction capability?
I recently replaced a highly-rated 100 wpc tube amplifier with the Odyssey mono blocs, and I was stunned by the improvement in sound quality, definition, and imaging, but I think there still is some room for improvement.
Thoughts and recommendations most welcome.