Stand mount to floor stand.

I currently have KEF R3s with 2 KEF R400B subs. I'm pretty happy but have been thinking about moving up to a larger full range floor standing speaker. I have an opportunity to try the Sonus Faber Cremona M and get them on the cheap.. I have never heard them. Is this a upward move or a lateral move? My amp is a Yamaha AS2100. I've done some reading, they're pretty efficient and 4ohms, that should be good for my Yamaha. Any input is appreciated.


Showing 1 response by musicaddict

I'd also say you should expect rather different presentations and although I may have preferred the R3 years ago, I'm sure probably in the Cremona M camp these days after many years of various audio pleasures.

If you can try them out easily, why not? I'd also say hang onto the subs. They can be crossed low and really disappear if careful. Have fun checking it out.