Stack Audio - Anyone knows them?

The UK brand Stack Audio makes some footers and LAN filter. Has anyone tried some of them? Best KnockKnock12


@knockknock12  - Link below will lead you to the Stack Audio threads already on Audiogon.   That said I use the Auva 100 speaker isolators, and have a set of the EQ system isolators and have found the SQ benefits well worth the relativel modest price

I tried their LAN filter in my system and it muffled the sound. I do have an ultra clean ethernet feed as is, using an optical isolation bundle with LPS into a quality ethernet switch before reaching the streamer, but thought I would give it a try anyway due to the excellent reviews. The results were not as advertised or similar to the reviews I read. In fact the sound took a turn for the worse, like it added a veil to the sound. It may work well on a simple ethernet cable feed, but definitely was of no use on a high quality feed. You win some, you lose some. However they are very nice people and have a good return policy. 

Go to the digital forums. Member Ozzy, weighted in on the Stack Audio LAN Network filter, which is the jist of the heading. The last comment was placed on last Monday.