Speltz Anti Cables

I am looking for reasonaably priced cables to place between my Classe 10 and North Creek Music Borealis. Right now I am using lower end Kimber cables. I have read some of the comments and statements about the Anit-Calbes and am interested in hearing any input you might have. The price sure is attractive. Up to this point I figures I would go with Kimber 8TC.
I would also like to add, the TG, Au24, and the anticcable
will be compare to my second system,Please click my
systems, so you will have a good idea, what kind a
equipment I am using, and speakers.Stehno,Eagle,thanks
for posting the anti cable, It got my attention, to
take them seriously.Thanks
George47: At 3/4" spacing between conductors, the nominal impedance would be quite high, probably about 600 ohms or so. The inductance would also be quite high with the impedance climbing as frequency rose. You would end up with less impact on dynamics and rolled off treble. For a very "hot & peaky" sounding system, this would tend to smooth things out and "sugar coat" the sound. Many may prefer this sound, but that doesn't make it "accurate". Like anything else though, it all boils down to specific sonic preferences and system synergy. Sean

PS... Many people mistake "different" for "better". In many cases, some componentry / cabling may improve in some areas but compromise other areas at the same time. Since the difference are more apparent than the sum presentation between the products under comparison, they jump to conclusions and believe something to be better even though it is really a "sideways" step. They soon find this out and are then move on to the next "flavour of the month" cable or component. They do this rather than looking for a product that was designed with every aspect of operation taken into consideration.

While doing so is fun and gives us experience that we hopefully learn the right things from, it becomes quite expensive and actually reduces the time spent listening to music. Instead, we listen to the system because the system was built moving sideways rather than going forward.

This is why i've stressed getting the interphase between the amp / cable / speaker right to begin with and then working your way back up through the system. This is the only part of the system where we have specific variables to work with i.e. known impedances and electrical interfaces, so it only makes sense to take that and use it as a foundation to build upon.

Using any other approach would be akin to trying to modify the foundation of a building after the entire building was completed. This wouldn't be considered "sideways" as much as it would be "backwards", costly and foolish. Then again, we all have different goals, levels of enjoyment, expectations and available funding, so who am i to try and tell someone how to spend their time and money??? : )
Jayctoy: Looking forward to hearing about the results of your comparison. Got two pairs of the ICs also. The music sounds great here.

Sean: It makes a lot of sense what you are saying. My approach for this system is putting the $$$ in the right place. Sometimes that means you spend it in the wrong place and later realize it.
Most significant for me was the replacement of the expensive tube preamp, with many more features than needed in my simple 2-channel system, with the Placette Passive. There was no compromise at all with that change, but a list of positive improvements. Part of that could be attributed to the solid foundation provided by the speakers, including the sub, and the amp. I'm convinced the dollars spent on the foundation were worth it.
I want the cables to be like the Passive, transparent and revealing, so I can appreciate the qualities of the foundation. What baffles me is the relative few comments regarding the Granite Audio 657 CDP I see posted. It's an incredible source component that seems to be largely overlooked.
As good as the audience and the TG audio, In my systems
I prefer the Anticable,maybe it synergise my ears and
my system,I like the explosiveness of the AC,the decay
of the instruments are very accurate,no grain, more air.
I keep coming back to the Anticable,I would like to
add that, they are full rich sounding cables,I am also
hearing the backgound better in 3 dimension.
The AC interconnect in my system,is the one I prefer
over the au24 ic, and the TG audio HSR.These three IC
were all good,but I prefer the the AC IMS,for the same
reason above, the result was the same.
After all, cables are system dependent, the best way
is to connect them in your systems.Thanks
There was some talk earlier of braiding them. I have a couple long cable runs - between 12 and 15 feet - and it would be much easier if I braided them. Would this work?
Speaker cables with high inductance i.e. wide spacing between the conductors can alter the sonics of a system in many different ways with different perceptions. My experience is that by rolling off treble due to the high inductance, a system suffering from artificial brightness and / or high frequency smearing now sounds smoother and the shift in tonal balance adds body and fullness.

This is the same reason that "warm sounding" tube based components have become so popular i.e. the colourations that they enter into a system tends to hide or mask other problems upstream ( hard and brittle sounding digital ), making them a match made in Heaven for some folks. That match made in Heaven is what some might call "system synergy" while others would call it "complimentary colourations".

Like i said before, you guys are hearing many of the benefits of a solid core conductor, which i've highly promoted for many years now, but you're only getting part of the picture. Whether or not you want to see the rest of the picture or will like what it looks like once you do see it will depend on the rest of your system and / or your personal preferences. Sean
So should they be twisted or just left untwisted. Would twisting them be the better choice to start with at say three or four twists per foot.? Or would you try then just loose on the first try?
At a minimum, I would use grocery store twists or ties or something to keep them very close together. When I first tried them, they were completely loose and spaced however they naturally fell on the ground, and they sounded terrible.
I twisted them as reccommened and they are very nice. They have no character which could be good or bad but I think they are nice and revealling. I may revert back to my old cables for their character but maybe not. These things have to be heard to believe. I am using Anti jumpers, Anti cables and so far one balanced anti interconnect from pre to amp. I'm expecting one more interconnect for CDP to Pre. I look forward to it.
I like these cables. I was not convinced but am now but I still may go back to a more relaxed yet detailed warmer cable. I don't know yet. I do know they are allot better than I expected and am extremely pleased.
Are these cables really that inexpensive and perform this well? Any retailer out there that sells them or what website?
Just ordered some bulk speaker cable to try out. My monoblocks are close to my speakers, so it'll cost me about $9 per side to biwire.
While I'm no expert or engineer, I have purchased The Speltz wire and many others here on the Gon. Some I was more pleased with than others. After a short in one "Anti-Cable" took me on a trip to my local electronics store looking for a quick fix. I came to find out that this wire I bragged to the store clerk about was really nothing more than Magnetic wire. The clerk lead me to a gigantic roll and said he could cut off as much as I need, the cost is .30c/ft. Paul's marketing tactics are his real talent, kudos to him and please no offense either, I'm sure he is a nice guy. If you can make a living selling Magnetic wire and convincing people who are looking to you with trust that it is worth paying 3-500 times more than it can be purchased for at any electronics store retail then more power to him. Magnetic wire has a thin painted coating on it so that it can be used unshielded amongst other wires without interference. It can be found at most electronics stores because it's widely used, but by other than Paul and the members here it is not known in the electronics world as the pinnacle of a quality signal conductor/wire that it is marketed to be in the audio community. Imagine my surprise to learn that I had again been taken and had purchased wire at 300 times it's retail cost. If it were a component, I could sell it and maybe get out of it without feeling completely burned. But selling used wire and IC's is usually futile, so in the box with the rest of the reptile goo they went and that's where they are today. If you're interested, I'll make you a great deal. By the way, I've got some swamp land you might be interested in too. The abundance of snake oil and marketing hype in the audio world is really unfortunate. More unfortunate are those of us with the big box full of all the tweaks and supposed upgrades we've purchased over the years that we can't get rid of, don't use and can't resell.
>300 times

How do you get that? Speltz is priced at $10/ft/pair, which I calculate to be less than 17x your 30 cents. Paul includes termination. It's hardly snake oil, not at all.
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I knew it was magnet wire before I bought from Paul. Actually, I'm not sure how you could not know if you took only a few minutes researching, definately not a secret. They were professionally terminated and convenient, and cheap.
As good as they sound I feel like I ripped *him* off.
Even at the price one pays Paul, the value is there. Many other cables that cost a heck of a lot more don't sound any better, or may sound worse.
I tried them out, liked what I heard, then found something that worked in my system better. I paid a lot more for them, too.
Regarding twisting Anti-Cables.... I found that twisting closed in the sound a bit...untwisted more open. In my system nothing much else changed.... I first twisted them, and am using them untwisted now for years.
are these still the best bang for buck option?

will i notice a difference from monoprice 12awg?
I had to try the magnet wire thing because of all the hoopla,didn't work for me.If it works for others,I glad for them.If you can save money and be satisfied,it's a good thing.A word of caution,if anyone is considering twisting the wire, be very careful that you don't chafe the super thin insulation.Amps and speakers hate direct shorts.
They replaced my Monster Sigma speaker cables in my system and for the money i couldn't be happier. viels of murkyness were instantly removed from my Vandersteens 3a Sigs. I use cardas reference interconnect and reference power cables on the rest of my system which with the anti cables gives a sense of warmth to the music.