speaker upgrade fever

I'm considering a speaker upgrade to compliment my Aesthetix Mimas integrated. Currently, I've got KEF Ref 1 monitors paired with (2) REL S/3 subs. Must stay away from bright, analytical and clinical presentation. Room size 12'x19'. Music is jazz, acoustic Americana, Chamber, symphonic etc. 

Looking at the ProAc K1, Triangle Duetto and the DeVore o/baby. Also, a huge departure, Vandersteen Treo CT, floor standers. I understand Vandersteen pairs well with the Mimas.

Always open to suggestions, happy to buy quality used and demo.

Budget, ~$8-$11K


Showing 5 responses by zlone

Good move on the Pulsars, think that is the right choice, especially with the price. 

Following with interest as I have KEF Reference 1’s myself and am thinking about upgrades. Our music tastes align as well. I honestly think that they will be tough to beat. 

Just to clarify, reading your post, I don’t think you are saying that the KEF’s are bright, only that you want to stay away from bright speakers to replace them. Am I correct?

If I had to blind upgrade from my KEF Reference 1's tomorrow, I would go with something from QLN, either the new One's or the Signature stand mount. I heard their top model at AXPONA last year, it was the best room at the show. As @gryphongryph said, there is little chance of fatigue and they sound great.

@kclone Disapointig to hear the KEF Reference Series are on the bright side, errr maybe not bright back lacks warmth is a better way of saying it.

I think the OP clarified that he was not saying the KEF's were bright, only that he did not want replacement recommendations for speakers that are bright. 

I have the Ref 1's, I think they are pretty neutral, not overly analytical or warm. They will reflect well the components that precede them.


I've narrowed my search down to the JA Pulsar 2 G and a the Harbeth 3.1s Both are used priced fairly. 

I will be very interested hear your results.