Speaker Jumpers WITH Bars??? - Jumper Using Silver Coins??

Two questions:

Is there any reason I could not used both the jumper bars, included with my speakers, as well as install jumper wires, and run both at the same time?  Are there positives or negatives to doing this?

Also, if the spacing is accommodating, would usage of silver coins be an acceptable jumper between screw-down binding posts? Yes, a serious question.

The reason I'm asking this is I just reinstalled my jumper bars to my ATC SCM11 speakers, which were previously bi-wired, and I was researching opinions between bars and jumpers, and these questions just came to mind. 

Jumpers are all about experimentation.  On my Harbeths, the Audience AU24 jumpers made a very positive improvement, but on my Operas, the standard metal bars sounded the best to my ears.  IMO, you should first start with the standard supplied jumpers and switch the cables from the top set to the bottom set and then try one in the top and one in the bottom.  On some speakers, the differences are more than you might think.  But try to listen to a little music between experiments as well.  That is the goal, or so I've heard...
For $50 Paul from clearday cable can make you pure silver jumper, they are very good.
Dimes and quarters in general circulation minted through1964 were 90% silver. 1965 onward dimes and quarters had no silver. Half dollars went to 40% silver from 1965 onward and then silver was dropped altogether. 

I would imagine using a 90% silver coin would not yield any positive effect. 
That's true; modern silver coins contain no silver. They are copper and nickel clad. Early coins were only 90% silver.

Regaring jumpers, if the stock bars are copper coated, IME you will have better results with a pure copper or silver jumper cable.

I doubt using both the bars and jumpers together would hurt anything, and while I also doubt they would be an improvement, it doesn't hurt to try, as long as both will fit under the posts.  I used both the supplied jumpers and some Purist silver jumpers on my Duntech Princesses years ago, never together, but I must admit the difference was negligible.

If you're thinking of using the coins as pure silver jumpers, keep in mind that there aren't many pure silver coins in circulation anymore.