Speaker cables for B&W??

Hi all,

Looking for recommendations for a pair of bi-wire speaker cables that are known to have good synergy with B&W. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I have the new CM10's. Budget-$300-500 give or take.

Thanks in advance!
With B&W, you have to be careful with the highs. Audioquest would be a good choice. I would consider: 2 separate runs of Type 6 or 8, a single run of internal bi wire CV-6 or 8, or possibly Rocket 33 - single run, internal bi wire. The CV-8 would be my first choice. I don't recommend the Type 4 (or any of the other 4 based cables.)
Thanks ZD,

I was looking at Rocket 33's just the other day, had them in my hand and put them back as I just was not sure. I know B&W recommends a certain type of cable for best match. I now am using excellent single wire Stereolab Lectralines but with Anti Cable jumpers and just wondering about going with a biwire cable of some sort as I really need about an extra foot or two now anyway.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will consider AQ.

Any others??
I am also wondering this. I'm running 802N off a McIntosh 6700 and id like t match up some good cables in the same budget range.
I've been using MIT AVT 1's (bi-wired version) on my B&W 802Ds with great results. A true bargain pair of cables in my opinion.
I'm very happy with Purist Audio Museaus biwire with my 804S and tube amp. I guess the Museaus are out of price range, but there's a new, cheaper, line that might work.
Thanks for the above suggestions, gives me more to research today. All look very interesting.
I have B&W CDM1NT bookshelf speakers and run them with MIT Shotgun S2s.

I think it is a good synergistic pairing.
What are the prices of the Neotech's? Hard to find prices on
most of these cables. On some of the MIT suggestions, I
assume some of these are only available used?? Does not look
like they offer much (New) under $1k.

One of these may be it for me if I can find a pair.

Any other suggestions welcome as well before I run to BB for
some Audioquest cables. :o)
"Any other suggestions welcome as well before I run to BB for
some Audioquest cables. :o)"

That's not a bad idea. If you don't like them, you can always bring them back. Just don't take any advice from anyone that works there.
Hi Telescope_trade - when u said.
I know B&W recommends a certain type of cable for best match.

Are you sure this comment was not made by a dealer ?

It is an impossible task imo for a manufacturer to say this as they do not know what type of room and gear our speakers will be placed in. All b&w manuals I have read specify the importance of quality cable; not a specific type.

Any other suggestions welcome as well before I run to BB for some Audioquest cables. :o)

Certainly as ZD542 said you can just return the BB speaker wires.

Over the past years I have used good WBT connectors. I purchased various raw wire from speaker wire companies as well as other places and made up the speaker wire myself. This allowed me to experiment and see what wire worked best in my room. Once you have narrowed the type of wire you like ..you can if still desired search out companies that provide that type of wire in a finished product.
I believe however you will have so much fun learning about the effects of the different wire - rather than just swapping out different companies wire that you may stick with your own diy speaker wire. Just a thought.

Hope this helps – have fun listening.
Thanks for all the reply's aboue. I may try to get a pair of the MIT Matrix 12 biwire cables. Any experience with those anyone? If I am correct,they are the new version of the AVT 1's mentioned above.
"08-18-13: Telescope_trade
Thanks for all the reply's aboue. I may try to get a pair of the MIT Matrix 12 biwire cables. Any experience with those anyone? If I am correct,they are the new version of the AVT 1's mentioned above."

There's nothing wrong with getting comments on forums like this to point you in the right direction, but only you can make the choice. There's too many factors involved. The same exact cable will give different results in different situations. And that's not taking your personal taste into consideration.

I'll go so far as to say that copper AQ is a pretty safe bet. Its hard to find an application where they won't sound good (except the Type 4 series I mentioned in my first post.). But that's no guarantee you'll get good results.

Another way for you to go is to call Cable Company. They will send you a box full of cables to try first, before you buy. It may seem like a pain at first, but its not. Its well worth the trouble. I've been using them for a long time and wouldn't even consider doing cables any other way.
Hi ZD,

Understood thanks! I do realize what you said is true, and I am just using this as a basic fishing pond to get "general" thoughts as it at least helps with the initial basics of what at least has been used successfully with others with B&W's. I think your advise with the Rocket 33's may be a really good one as I have heard of AQ (in general) as being a good match for B&W and like you said, I can take them back if they don't work out. They are not exactly cheap and I can get a half price deal on the MIT's, but they are still twice as much.

AQ may be all I need.

Thanks again for the advice.
Hey CT,

What I meant was, I read that B&W recommends a certain "spec" not brand when using a speaker cable so as not to have the highs rolled off. Not sure where I read that, but seem to remember it. But you never see such specs when researching cables.
I would contact Cable Co. and take advantage of their lending library. They can steer you in the right direction.
Hi Telescope_Trade,

For Neotech: http://www.audiosensibility.com/products/neotech.htm


He's in Toronto. He gave me the best price so far.
"What I meant was, I read that B&W recommends a certain "spec" not brand when using a speaker cable so as not to have the highs rolled off. Not sure where I read that, but seem to remember it. But you never see such specs when researching cables."

The last thing you have to worry about is rolling the highs off on a B&W. As far as specs go, I've seen them for cables. Not all manufacturers list them but most of the bigger ones do. Honestly, though, I don't really put a lot of trust in specs.
Hi Zd,

First of all, thanks for all of the suggestions from everyone!
I went and bought a pair of Rocket 33's which I was not real sure about just from researching, but am very pleasantly surprised with them. They sound great with the B&W's!! Will start the breakin process now.

Thanks again!
I too have the CM10s and use a Mcintosh MC206 amp. I am using a single run of Kimber 12TC. They sound fabulous